The Daily Five Developed by: Joan Moser & Gail Boushey Presented by: Mary Hrisoulis, Judy Little, Lynn Mair, Jenn Nelson
Think About It? How do you teach literacy in your classroom? After reflecting, record your ideas on the large paper at your table.
Since 1946, research shows that kids need to… Since 1946, research shows that kids need to…. * read to be better readers * write to be better writers Routman and Allington indicate that we are teaching 80% of the time and students practice 20% of the time ….research shows we should be teaching 20% of the time and students should be practicing for 80%. Just like sports, students have to physically practice what they’re learning in order to get better! Research from Regie Routman and Richard Allington
WHY the Daily 5? to organize what we’re already doing to make time for conferring to provide a focus for a common structure/language to provide a flexible management system to provide students with the TIME needed to learn to encourage independence, stamina and responsibility for their learning to meet our NCA Goals
WHY Today? provide awareness of Daily 5 share resources form an Action Research Team for those interested meet 3 – 4x this year during the school day implement, collaborate and learn more materials and website access are provided
Literacy Block Development Over Time Basal Centers Workshop Daily Five
The Daily 5 is ... 5 flexible and adaptable TASKS SYSTEM for teaching all students independence Consistent STRUCTURE
Video: Introduction to Daily 5 Fostering Independent Literacy Learning in Grades K-6
Dialogue What did you notice?
Foundation of Daily 5 Trust Choice Community Sense of Urgency Stamina Independence Routine Trusting children is the underpinning of what makes the Daily Five work. When trust is combined with explicit instruction, our students acquire the skills necessary to become independent learners. The Daily Five works because we gradually build behaviors that can be sustained over time so children can easily be trusted to manage on their own. Although giving children the power to choose makes us a little nervous, it puts them in charge of their own learning, is self motivating and will improve their skills. Purpose + Choice = Motivation. A sense of community provides members with ownership to hold others accountable for behaviors of effort, learning, order, and kindness. During Daily Five the class becomes a community that works together to encourage and support each other.
5 TASKS of Daily Five I =Independence Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work
Graffiti Walk Add (with your own personal style) the activities you already do in your classroom to encourage students to: Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work
Video: Creating I-Chart SYSTEM for teaching I =Independence
Dialogue What did you notice?
I-Charts Systematic Instruction Helps establish independence 10 Steps in packet Set of I-Charts in packet 14
Daily 5 STRUCTURE I =Independence The Daily Five is not content, it is a structure. Teaching content still comes from your curriculum and what you’re current instructional practices. Ex: Read to Self = students’ structured time to read and teacher confers/works with students Work on Writing = students’ structured time to write and teacher confers/works with students (BAW) 15
* in packet
Why is it called the Daily 5 if there isn’t time for all 5? It is called The Daily Five because there are five literacy components for children to choose from when they go off to work. It is NOT called The Daily Five because they have to do all 5 each day Upper Elementary - Daily 3
What sets The Daily Five apart? I =Independence For Teachers…. Deliver 2-3 whole group lessons each day Teach 2-3 small groups of children each day Provides time to confer with individual students each day Holds all students accountable
What sets The Daily Five apart? I =Independence For Students… Engaged in the act of reading and writing for extended amounts of time Receive focused instruction on building and maintaining independence Receive tailored instruction through whole group, small group, and/or individual conferring, by their skilled classroom teacher 19
Literacy CAFE
* in packet
* in packet
What questions do you have?