Welcome to First Grade! Mrs. Ackerburg
Tonight’s Goals Overview of what your child will learn in 1st grade. Gain an understanding of classroom/school expectations, practices and schedule. How to help support and encourage your children at home.
Professional Experience 15 Years of Teaching Taught grades 1-4 Enrichment Specialist District Science Committee Wrote District Wide Curriculum
Character Development Meramec Five Class Meetings
Class Schedule
Mathematics The Singapore Approach Helps students build solid conceptual understanding through a focus on problem solving. Students learn the “why” and the “how” through instruction, hands-on activities, and problem solving. Homework reflects what we did in class. Profile sheets/Assessments Website for Parents
Math Tests Test after each unit Profile sheet for grading
Reading Workshop Mini Lesson Independent Reading Shared Reading Daily 5 Guided Reading Instruction Nightly Reading- 10 Minutes Reading Bag Complete Reading Log Daily First Grade Dolch Words
Writing Lucy Calkins Units of Study Small Moments Nonfiction Chapter Book Realistic Fiction Writing Reviews
Handwriting Please reinforce using roof, window, floor, and basement language
Spelling Words Their Way (Differentiated Word Study Program) Sound/Pattern/Meaningg Only on 5 day weeks Test on Friday
Social Studies Our Community (Community, Citizens, Rules, Laws) Past & Present (School, Transportation, and Technology) Marketplace (Wants, Needs, and Services)
Science- FOSS Insect Research Project
Homework Given Monday-Thursday READ-(10 Minutes each night) Homework = Practice
Classroom Expectations Take Care of Our Room and School Take Care of Yourself Show Others Respect Everyone gets to play and learn.
Classroom Expectations continued….. Turning the Behavior Around Think Spot Reflection Sheet
Communication *Email:lauraackerburg@claytonschools.net Voicemail 854-6333 First Grade Newsletter Friday Folders Notices/Reminders First Grade Website Parent/Teacher Conferences Meramec Newsletter First Grade Blog Remind
REMIND Class Announcements Reminders Updates
Friday Folders Graded papers & Important notes Sign inside paper and write comments Return on Monday
Field Trips Information regarding field trip dues and volunteers will be coming home. Science Math Social Studies
Classroom Book Orders Great titles at a good price Helps to earn books for our classroom
Reminders! Specialists are in their classrooms Please write your child a quick note on the paper provided and leave it at his/her spot
Thank You For Coming!