Miss Kanaras
Class Schedule 8:40-9:00 Morning Meeting 9:00-10:15 Literacy Block Writer’s Workshop & Reader’s Workshop 10:18-11:05 Special 11:09-12:09 Lunch and Recess 12:25-1:25 Word Work/Daily 5 1:30-2:30 Snack and then Math 2:32-3:00 Social Studies/Science/Curricular Extension 3:15-3:20 Dismissal
Tuesday: Art and Library Wednesday: Music, Spanish, and PE Specials Schedule Monday: Computers Tuesday: Art and Library Wednesday: Music, Spanish, and PE Thursday: Spanish Friday: PE
Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop and Daily 5 Launching Small Moments How to Books Opinion Writing Writing Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Reader’s Workshop and Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Spelling/Word Work Work on Writing Guided Reading Conferring
Math Houghton Mifflin: Math Expressions Units: Standard-based instruction Uses objects, drawings, conceptual language, and real-world situations to help students build mathematical ideas Allows for differentiation of instruction Units: Partners and Number Patterns Through Ten Addition and Subtraction Strategies Unknown Numbers in Addition and Subtraction Place Value Concepts Place Value Situations Comparisons and Data Geometry, Measurement, and Equal Stories Two-Digit Addition
Social Studies Units: Rules and Laws Where People Live We Love Our Country Our Changing World Meeting People The Marketplace
Science Units: Light and Sound Air and Weather Plants and Animals
Homework Monday Read for 10 minutes (record on reading log) Math worksheet (two-sided) Spelling list sent home for daily practice Tuesday Practice spelling words Wednesday Thursday IXL math website
Homework Reading Logs Log each book read Mon-Thurs. Return reading log each Friday Continue reading to your child Spelling An assessment is given twice a year to determine your child’s level. Spelling lists are based on features that are able to be sorted. Practice words each week at home. Make use of various activities to practice spelling words. Spelling test every Friday
Report Cards Report cards will be posted on Genesis all four marking periods. November February April June Please note that report cards indicate developmental progress throughout the year.
Remind.com App that allows for easy and quick communication Reminders about upcoming events in the classroom and/or school Fill out form in your folder if you would like to receive these reminders via text
Whitehouse is a National School of Character! Cubs of Character Whitehouse is a National School of Character! We all carry an invisible bucket that contains our feelings Bucket fillers: people who make us feel good Bucket dippers: people who make us feel bad Students wear red shirts to school on the first day of each month Monthly character trait and weekly bucket filling
*Signed Bucket Puzzles are due on the 25th of every month* Cubs of Character *Signed Bucket Puzzles are due on the 25th of every month* SIGN HERE
Whitehouse is a National Green Ribbon School! Go Green Whitehouse is a National Green Ribbon School! Please reach out if you would be interested in getting involved in our Green Initiatives! Sign-up sheet
Class Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect our things. Listen. Keep our hands to ourselves. Be safe and have fun! Best “Bee”havior Apple Jar
Class Community Our classroom consequences change per situation, but there is a general outline. Warning (1-2-3) Stop and Think Phone call home Administrative intervention
Birthday Info Birthday invitations can only be sent home via backpack if there is an invitation for each student in the class. Parents are invited to come in to read to the class on or around their child’s birthday. Please e-mail me a date you would like to come in.
Thank You! Please always feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns! Phone: (908) 534-4411 Ext. 4121 Email: akanaras@readington.k12.nj.us