Share.TEC Partner Profile Template CLUEB casa editrice scarl
CLUEB casa editrice scarl Founded in 1959, the Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (CLUEB) publishes university manuals, monographs and proceedings of specialist, research and non-fiction texts. With more than 2.500 titles, the catalogue has expanded in all disciplines and towards fields of interest which are not directly connected with the university, such as fiction and high-level information. CLUEB has recently produced some important works of electronic and multimedia publishing. Are ten years that we sell our books on our e-commerce site. Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting
CLUEB casa editrice scarl Bologna (Italy), via Marsala 31, 40126 Bologna tel. +39051220736 fax. + 39051237758 Recent international and local collaborations: provider of italian Ministero della Salute for long life e-learning member of LIBUL project for “Bibliographie des publications bulgares en français (1842-1995)” ( Digital editor of international reviews: Ecyclopaideia; Experimental Biology Reports; Ri.L.Un.E. (Revue de Littératures de l’Union Europèenne) ( "The University of Bologna is a member of the cooperative society CLUEB" Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting
Share.TEC kick-off meeting Share.TEC entry point CLUEB is involved in on these topic areas of Share.TEC: 1. Business Plan. 2. ERA data model. 3. Sustainability. Many of our resources are multilingual: italian, english, french, german, spanish, russian, japanese, arabian, finnish, other. CD rom or DVD are attached to many books. Our collections of material are online and distributed in a variety of repositories. All have structured metadata for search & retrieval. Maybe incomplete and perhaps inadequate. Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting
Proposed content & its context Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting
Proposed content & its context 2.500 book and journal disposible, about 900 are in digital format. All 900 are so prepared: 1 Digital Object = a chapter of a book or an article of a journal; Now we have on line about 10.500 DO (with metadata …). Other 2.000 DO are ready for the Web (now without metadata); Each year we have 150 new books or new journals (about 2.000 DO er year); In the next two years we intend to digitize other 400 books at lest (≈ 6.000 DO). Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting
Share.TEC kick-off meeting Personnel Domenico Corcione Luigi Guardigli Simona Salustri Loredana Leone Genoa, June 16-18, 2008 Share.TEC kick-off meeting