2007 Project Half Week ITK Registration Parallelization: Develop implementations of ITK registration methods to take advantage of multi-core and multi-processor systems. Team Plan/Expected Challenges/Publication Stephen Aylward, Kitware (Algorithms/Software) (contact) Jim Miller, GE (Algorithms) Ross Whitaker, Utah (Algorithms) Luis Ibanez, Kitware (Algorithms/Software) Driving problems: Kilian Pohl, BWH-MIT (Inter-subject mapping) Steve Pieper, Isomics (fMRI to high-res MRI) Sandy Wells, MIT (EPI/MRI) Sylvain Bouix, BWH (DTI component registration) Algorithms: Identify ITK registration methods, specify component tests, collect test data. Challenge: Test speed and maintain accuracy Software: Identify/develop cross-platform timing system, implement component tests, centralize data and results, identify bottlenecks, parallelize and re-test. Challenge: Cross-platform multi-threaded timing Driving Problem: Validation of results. Expected Date for Insight Journal Publication: August, 2007 Accomplished by end of Programming Week Driving problem will be Killian Pohl’s head MRI/MRI registration task B-Spline registration is the technology Speeding image resample will be initial component test Data has been centralized on MIDAS Intel dual-core platform chosen for optimization since an open-source, cross-platform, profiling tool with multi-core support could not be found Secondary problems for DTI and fMRI also identified, and their data has been centralized Optimized code will be delivered using the Slicer B-Spline Module