Submission Title: [Super-merged BAN baseline for TG6] Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Super-merged BAN baseline for TG6] Date Submitted: [September 24, 2009] Source: (1) National Institute of Info. &Tech. (NICT): Ryuji Kohno, Bin zhen, Huan-Bang Li, Marco Hernandez, Igor Dotlic, Shinsuke Hara, Kenichi Takizawa, kamya yazdandoost, Grace Sung, Masahiro Kuroda (2) Yokohama National University (YNU): Ryuji Kohno, Koji Enda, Shun Nagamine, Hideki Mochizuki, Haruka Suzuki (3) Meiji University: Tetsushi Ikegami (4) GE Global Research: David Davenport (5) GE Healthcare: Neal Seidl (6) Texas Instruments: Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, Srinath Hosur, June Chul Roh, Tim Schmidl (7) Toumaz Technology: Okundu Omeni, Alan Wong; Mark Dawkins (8) Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe: Hind Munzer-Chebbo, Sunil Vadgama (9) Fujitsu Laboratories: Ichirou Ida, Kaoru Yokoo (10) Philips: Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel (11) France Telecom: Jean Schwoerer (12) CEA-LETI: Laurent Ouvry (13) THALES: Arnaud Tonnerre (14) LG Electronics: Yongho Seok, Seyeong Choi, Byoung-Hoon Kim (15) Tensorcom: Ismail Lakkis (16) Olympus Communication Technology of America: Gang Ding (17) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) : Kamran Sayrafian, Wenbin Yang (18) Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA: Zafer Sahinoglu Contact: Huan-Bang Li(, Anuj Batra( ) Abstract: [Describe the merged baseline ] Purpose: [To propose a combined baseline structure for TG15.6] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Super-merged BAN Baseline for TG6 (1) National Institute of Info. &Tech. (NICT): Ryuji Kohno, Bin zhen, Huan-Bang Li, Marco Hernandez, Igor Dotlic, Shinsuke Hara, Kenichi Takizawa, kamya yazdandoost, Grace Sung, Masahiro Kuroda (2) Yokohama National University (YNU): Ryuji Kohno, Koji Enda, Shun Nagamine, Hideki Mochizuki, Haruka Suzuki (3) Meiji University: Tetsushi Ikegami (4) GE Global Research: David Davenport (5) GE Healthcare: Neal Seidl (6) Texas Instruments: Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, Srinath Hosur, June Chul Roh, Tim Schmidl (7) Toumaz Technology: Okundu Omeni, Alan Wong; Mark Dawkins (8) Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe: Hind Munzer-Chebbo, Sunil Vadgama (9) Fujitsu Laboratories: Ichirou Ida, Kaoru Yokoo (10) Philips: Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel (11) France Telecom: Jean Schwoerer (12) CEA-LETI: Laurent Ouvry (13) THALES: Arnaud Tonnerre (14) LG Electronics: Yongho Seok, Seyeong Choi, Byoung-Hoon Kim (15) Tensorcom: Ismail Lakkis (16) Olympus Communication Technology of America: Gang Ding (17) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) : Kamran Sayrafian, Wenbin Yang (18) Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA: Zafer Sahinoglu
Motivations Present a super-merged BAN baseline proposal for Narrow band PHY UWB PHY Common MAC Solicit for new mergers to join in
Narrow Band Baseline Frequency bands: MICS, WMTS (Japan only), MBANS (US) and ISM band compliant with local regulations Modulations: Data rates < 100 kbps must be based on GMSK/FSK Data rates ≥ 100 kbps must be based on differential M-ary PSK Data rate: No mandatory data rate
UWB baseline (1) Frequency bands: Use both UWB low band (3.4 -4.8 GHz) and UWB high band (7.25 – 8.5 GHz). Each band has a mandatory channel to be specified. Modulations: support non-coherent and coherent detection Burst Position Modulation for non-coherent detection Differential M-ary PSK for differentially coherent detection for high QoS applications Non-coherent mode is mandatory Define a common preamble for both modulation modes Data rate: 1Mbps – 10Mbps with 1 Mbps as mandatory
UWB baseline (2) Channel coding: Systematic RS for all modulations Hybrid ARQ for high QoS applications Pulse shape: Should have enough similarity to ensure interoperability in the mandatory BPM mode No mandatory pulse shape Chirp, chaotic, burst of short pulses, etc. can be used to meet different QoS requirement
MAC baseline BAN superframe PAP CAP CFP …….. …… .. beacon …… .. PAP BAN superframe Configurable superframe structure Fixed number of allocation slots with equal slot duration A superframe includes a beacon (if permitted by regulations), PAP, one or two CAP, and a CFP PAP Flexible location and duration in the superframe Only for emergency/alarm message CAP CAP is mainly for channel contention Slotted CSMA or slotted ALOHA CFP TDMA based GTS allocation Scheduled access and improvised access
Proposals included in this merge 15-09-0286-01-0006 Hind Chebbo, Saied Abedi, Ichirou Ida, and Kaoru Yokoo, “Proposal for Partial PHY and MAC Including Emergency Management in IEEE802.15.6” (2) 15-09-0287-01-0006 Hind Chebbo, Saied Abedi, Ichirou Ida, and Kaoru Yokoo, “Partial PHY / MAC Proposal for IEEE802.15.6” (3) 15-09-0311-00-0006 Gang Ding, “Olympus MAC Proposal” (4) 15-09-0313-02-0006 ShinsukeHara, Kenichi Takizawa, Ryuji Kohno, “NICT’sNarrow band PHY proposal for WBAN” (5) 15-09-0320-01-0006 Marco Hernandez and Ryuji Kohno, “NICT PhySolution: Part 1: IR-UWB” 15-09-0324-02-0006 Jean Schwoerer, Laurent Ouvry, Arnaud Tonnerre, “France Telecom / CEA / Thales final proposal” 15-09-0325-00-0006 David Davenport, Neal Seidl, Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel, Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, SrinathHosur, June ChulRoh, Tim Schmidl, OkunduOmeni, Alan Wong, “MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal –Part 2 of 2”
Proposals included in this merge 15-09-0326-00-0006 David Davenport, Neal Seidl, Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel, Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, SrinathHosur, June ChulRoh, Tim Schmidl, OkunduOmeni, Alan Wong,“MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal –Part 1 of 2” 15-09-0327-00-0006 David Davenport, Neal Seidl, Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel, Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, SrinathHosur, June ChulRoh, Tim Schmidl, OkunduOmeni, Alan Wong, “MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal “ 15-09-0328-01-0006 David Davenport, Neal Seidl, Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel, Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, SrinathHosur, June ChulRoh, Tim Schmidl, OkunduOmeni, Alan Wong“MedWiN “MedWiNPhysical Layer Proposal” 15-09-0329-00-0006 David Davenport, Neal Seidl, Jeremy Moss, Maulin Patel, Anuj Batra, Jin-Meng Ho, SrinathHosur, June ChulRoh, Tim Schmidl, OkunduOmeni, Alan Wong, “MedWiN Physical Layer Proposal” (12) 15-09-0335-02-0006 June ChulRoh, Anuj Batra, Sudipto Chakraborty,Srinath Hosur, and Timothy Schmidl, “Texas Instruments Impulse Radio UWB Physical Layer Proposal”
Proposals included in this merge 15-09-0343-00-0006 Ismail Lakkis, “Low complexity low power GMSK based dual‐mode PHY” 15-09-0353-01-0006 Ryuji Kohno, Koji Enda, Keisuke Sodeyama, Shun Nagamine, Hideki Mochizuki, Haruka suzuki, “YNU PHY and MAC design for WBAN IEEE P802.15.6” 15-09-0354-01-0006 Igor Dotlić and Ryuji Kohno, “NICT PhySolution: Part 1: Chirp Pulse Based IR-UWB Physical Layer” 15-09-0355-01-0006 TetsushiIkegami, “Meiji University UWB PHY Proposal for Body Area Network” (17) 15-09-0317-04-0006 Yongho Seok, Seyong Choi, Byoung-Hoon Kim, et al,, “block based phy and packet transmission for low data rate in body wban”, Slides 30 – 41.