2nd Battalion TAC AAR 2BS/BD/H/F Co – LTC Brace E Co- LTC Remsen F/T Co- LT Adcock G Co- LTC Pike H Co- CPT Quinn BD- MAJ Smith May 11, 2016
CDR/SGM/1SG Understand/Execute Duties Unit CDR 1SG/SGM 2BS Green E F Amber G H BD
Organizational Climate/Culture Unit Organizational Climate/Culture 2BS Military-Disciplined on Stage E Team-Functional Chain of Cmd F Loyal-to a fault G Divided-moving back to center H Unified BD Mission Focused
4 Class vs. 4th Class System Unit 4 Class Vs. 4th Class 2BS Green E Amber F G Red H BD
Coordination and Cooperation Across the Battalions Communication Cadet Chain of Communication (Must let this Work) TAC Chain of Communication Formula for Success (C + C x B =C) Allow Cadet Leadership the opportunity to LEAD Let the Corps run the Corps and use the results to TAC Don’t get in the way or do it for them Example Regimental PT Plan SMI (Rifle in Rack, on Bed, or in hands) Prompt them to find the answer, don’t give them the answer
Regimental PT Communicate the plan Well in advance not the night before Command channels and PRO channel Publish plan at the beginning of each semester Standardize but Build in Flexibility and Variety Example Vary group size (Co, Plt, Sqd, Ability groups) Division of Land (Gym, Parade Field, Road, WLI, Wilson Field) Designate a Spirit Company each day Execute every PT session like Recognition Day Daily Focus Prep Drill Movement Drill Recovery Drill
CPFT Sustain Execution PU/SU Form Deficiency Boards Very Efficient throughput Chip timing PU/SU Form CPFT is NOT the time to teach the standard Train to standard in barracks and at PT Certify the graders and trust them to execute Deficiency Boards Similar to CAT or Discipline Board Case by case assessment and decision Save time and Excedrin Migraine
Training Non-Cadre Leadership Leader Training is effective and appreciated by the Cadets Train Non-Cadre during first two days on campus Roles and Responsibilities Formations/PT/Inspections/Accountability Train two weeks prior to Parent’s Weekend Rules and Regulations of 4th Class System CTM Refresher/Reinforce Positive Leadership/Accountability Reduce Discipline Issues
Challenge Week Training Schedule Evaluate and Restructure Less Academics/Mandatory Training Classes More time in the Barracks Less time in the classroom We have time in the schedule to SHOW them how to do a task but no time for them to DO it. Example Room standards Uniform Drill Build some white space on the schedule and let leaders decide what they need to work on.
CAS Keep up the great work!! Rick is the Man! Functionality is getting better Starting to see positive impact (particularly with Discipline) Discipline: need to be able to see all previous and pending offenses for a given cadet Leave: Need ability to approve previously denied request. Sort by start date not date submitted. Don’t allow Cadets to submit leave within 48 hours of start time. Reports: Need the ability to sort by Academic Class and Student Class (4A-1B/C1-C5)
Formations/Room Standards Squad Leader Engagement Still a work in progress Accountability/Inspections/Corrections Opportunity to demonstrate CAS Expectation-Skills-Feedback-Consequences-Growth! Work with the Squad Leaders Squad Leaders work with their Squad CAS Functionality Various techniques on how this is being accomplished. R&D role vs. Leadership role
TAC Schedule Standard Duty Day Mandatory Events Extra Curriculars Anything BUT standard. However… 0530, 0700, 1200, 1500 Mandatory Events PT Formations Special Events (CIP, Pep Rallies, Ldrshp dinners, Cadre Cookout) Extra Curriculars Club Advisor/Coach Graduate classes Teaching classes Gym time
Misc Guard/Duty Team Schedule and Checklist Raincoat/Field Jacket Change? Knobby Bag and UC Backpack? Community Service Competition
Questions ?