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Best way citizens can participate in politics in the United States
Voting in Election
Reason why a person might vote for a better looking candidate instead of one with better views
We are influenced by visual bias
Individuals who feel their vote makes little difference would be less likely to vote for this type of candidate
3rd Party Candidate
This is the first step of the process for becoming president
Primary Elections
This type of election allows voters the chance to choose who will represent their party at the national party convention and in the presidential race
Primary Election
The passage of the 19th amendment affected the political process in this way
It allowed women to vote in national elections
The major debate between Democrats and Republicans centers around this issue
The responsibilities of the government
Social Programs are more likely to be backed by this political party
If two candidates had the same education but one had more time on the job than the other, this one would be considered more qualified
The person with experience
Ensuring every resident in a Hispanic neighborhood has the right to vote, may mean providing ballots that are unique in this way
Written in Spanish
This action by government helped minority job and college applicants
Affirmative Action
Needs and interests of citizens would not be met in a Representative Democracy if they chose not to do this
Presenting a possible solution to resolve an issue is a good way to do this
Influence Government
Reason behind debate over where funding for campaigns should come from
Campaigns are expensive
By starting an initiative and gathering signatures a citizen is doing this
Influencing government and law makers
Despite the invention of this media, people getting their news from TV, radio, and newspaper has stayed about the same
Examining a candidates records and qualifications is the most reliable way to evaluate them for this
Holding a political Office
Type of communication used to influence someone’s decision or behavior
Reducing the power of the federal government would be supported by this political party
State representation at the national level was solved by this at the Constitutional COnvention
Creating a bi-cameral legislature
The Judicial Branch’s ability to perform a check on other branches (Judicial Review) was the precedent set in this case
Marbury v. Madison
Separate school for whites and blacks are NOT equal even if the facilities are equal, is the precedent set in this case
Brown v. Topeka BOE
Expressing our opinions is part of a republican government Expressing our opinions is part of a republican government. This amendment ensures that right
1st Amendment
This document ensures that our federal government does not have unlimited powers
U.S. Constitution
This philosopher believed in having three equal branches of government