Reminders 4/28/17 We will start reading Of Mice and Men Monday. Finish your next independent reading book by May 15 so you will be ready for your final project. Vocabulary Unit 10A starts next week Socratic Seminar (for those students who were absent) will be Tuesday, 5/2 after school in my room.
Independent Reading
Reflection from yesterday’s stations: Write the following prompts and complete the sentence. Be prepared to share. I was surprised or shocked by… I wonder… The most memorable thing I learned today was…
Intro to Of Mice and Men Stations – today you will rotate through another 3 stations. At each station you will complete an activity. Approx. 15 min at each station TED Talk Station #4 – Link is on the handout. Go the TED Talk link, watch the TED Talk, and respond to the prompts. TED Talk Station #5 – Reading narrative excerpts TED Talk Station #6 – Reading quotes from OMAM and responding