Welcome to Back to School Night First Grade
First Grade Goal: Happy, Healthy, and Engaged Learners Show parents that this is the face of first grade, inquisitive, excited and ready to learn.
First Grade Scope and Sequence Explain the scope and sequence for the year.
Instructional Snapshot Insert a sample instructional snapshot. Emphasize the connections in Cultural Arts Share introduction of an Explicit Comprehension Block
Science/Social Studies What are we learning? Reading Writing Math Science/Social Studies Comprehension -Beginning/Middle/End -Problem/Solution -Main idea/details Vocabulary Phonics/Sounding out and making words Spelling Small group instruction Reading Focus each quarter: First quarter: -Narrative Writing (small moment) Second quarter: -Information Writing (teaching book) Third quarter: -Opinion (collection) Fourth quarter: (story writing) Grammar Letter formation Spacing between words Using capitals appropriately Journal writing -Solve a variety of problems solving for an unknown using manipulatives, drawings and representations. -Identifying place value -Counting groups of 10. - Add and subtract within 20 -Identify 10 more and 10 less than a two digit number. -comparing two two-digit numbers looking at place value concepts. -Subtracting a multiple of ten from a multiple of ten. -Partitioning shapes -Telling time. -Add within 100 -Balance equations -Measurement -To observe and describe how all living things change and the response to that change • To observe, describe, and predict seasonal patterns: sunrise, sunset, and weather • To describe the connection between the environment and how we live, work and play -Investigate creative problem solving -Collect and analyze data. • About communication in the past and the impact of technology on how we communicate today • About how sound & light help us communicate • Being perceptive and persistent by exploring the art & science of bubbles • Making “choice” decisions regarding wants, needs, goods, and services • Understanding how “invention” may solve challenges
Fountas and Pinnell
Grades for 1st Grade Practice Activities: Will receive a stamp, sticker, star, check mark, or smiley face. Explain that grading in 1st grade is assessing a students ability to exhibit skills and behaviors independently. In fact, progress monitoring for 1st is developmentally appropriate checks with standard mastery progress analysis. Math, additionally, has “check-points.”
Gold Coins: Students may earn “gold coins”and/or Dojo points for demonstrating outstanding behavior. These coins that can be “spent” on prizes at the class store and also used for school wide raffles. PBIS Program (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) focuses on encouraging positive behavior Gold Coin Class Bucket: The whole class may be recognized when everyone is demonstrating outstanding behavior. When the class has earned 30 coins there will be a whole class celebration. After the class reaches 30 it will increase by tens for the next prize. A Classdojo message will inform you of the incentive earned and the day it will be held. Quarterfield Rules: I will: Respect Myself Respect Others Respect Property Chart -Visual reminder about behavior and consequences. Verbal warning Time out Talk to home Office
Partnering with our Families : Conference Dates Schools Closed for Students for these conference days. October 19th December 8th March 2nd Your child will have a conference on one of these three days. Add any information about progress sharing, conferences etc. Explain how you will communicate with parents and how you prefer to be contacted
Considerations in 1st Grade Homework A homework packet is given out on Monday (or the first day of school for that week). It is due on Friday (or the last day of school) of the same week. It may occasionally contain special projects that have different time frames associated with them that will be noted at that time. Homework will contain be a review of skills including: phonics, reading, writing, and mathematics. Please review homework assignments with your child before returning it to school. We recommend reading with your child each night. READING, READING, READING Dismissal If there is going to be a change in your child's normal daily dismissal routine please send in a written note to detail the change. Attendance Focus for our Glen Burnie cluster schools this year. Using attendance H.E.R.O. Birthdays -In an effort to keep children with food allergies safe, and to promote healthy food choices, Quarterfield does not allow students to bring in birthday snacks. If you would like to recognize your child’s birthday you may have your child bring in small items such as pencils and erasers for the class. (We currently have 17 students in our classroom.) -Invitations- if you are going to distribute at school please include everyone in class. Water/Cafeteria -Students may bring a water bottle to keep on their desk. Please make sure the bottle is only filled with water. -Questions about lunch accounts please contact the office or Ms. Dawn in the cafeteria. Field Trips Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, MD, Date TBD Folder Please check your child’s take home folder daily. Please take out items and return to school the next day. Supplies/ Uniforms Thank you for sending in your child’s supplies. Please remember supplies and activity fee if you have not yet. School uniform policy. Any pertinent information you want to add… Logistics, field experiences, procedures, etc.
Thank You! Contact Information School Number: (410)222-6430 Message on ClassDojo Place a note in your child’s take home folder. Mrs. Lutz clutz@aacps.org Ms. Brooks slbrooks@aacps.org Mrs. Sturgeon esturgeon@aacps.org