Lecture number 3 Topic: Commercial production and money
План: 1. Essence, basic features, forms and limits of natural economy План: 1. Essence, basic features, forms and limits of natural economy. 2. Commercial type of farming: the nature, conditions of formation and the main features. 3. System of the main categories of commodity production and circulation, their evolution: A) product, its use value B) the cost of goods, exchange value, individual and social value of the goods, the mechanism of determining the value of the cost of goods, factors of magnitude of the value of goods, B) funds: origins, the nature and function, and d) the system of money and the evolution of its types.
1. Two types of management: a natural and commodity 1. Two types of management: a natural and commodity. Natural-type is the type of organization of social economy, in which the product is used for domestic labor potrebleniya.Proizvoditel product must be the owner of the means proizvodstva.Produkt labor is not a commodity.
Abstract form of subsistence farming can be very diverse Abstract form of subsistence farming can be very diverse. The boundaries are defined subsistence system of internal potrebleniya.Tovarny type objectively conditioned at a certain stage of human development.
The definition of commodity production: the production of commodities by saying such an organization of public management, where the products are made by individual producers isolated at what each one specializing in the making of a product, so for public consumption required the purchase and sale of products (becoming because of this product) .
For the development of commodity economy, two conditions are necessary: A) the social division of labor. B) separation of producers as owners.
The main features of commodity economy: The manufacturer of the product of labor can be the owner of the means of production, but can not be named,-product of labor is a commodity, labor-power becomes a commodity.
For the product, it is the product of labor, which meets human need through either exchange, rynok.Tovar has utility value. It eats, the ability of products to meet any social need. On the basis of public demand, goods are divided on the means of production and consumption.
Средства производства - это товары, удовлетворяющие производственные потребности общества. Предметы потребления - это товары, удовлетворяющие личные потребности человека. 3.Товар имеет стоимость. По вопросу величины стоимости существует три подхода.
school Marks Marx and the Marxist school: the value of the cost of the quantity of labor embodied in the product - the value of this is influenced by two factors:
A) labor productivity B) The intensity of labor productivity - is the number of products produced per unit vremeni.Intensivnost labor - is the amount of labor expended per unit time..
Labour productivity growth reduces the price of the cost of goods and increase the intensity of labor increases the total weight of the cost, but does not change the value of a unit of production.
Austrian school believes that the value of goods is determined limitations and rare resources and the benefit that can bring the final copy of certain gruppy.-Cambridge school believes that the cost of production determined by the cost of production, supply and demand, marginal utility.
Exchange value is the number or proportion in which one use value is equal to the other in the market.
The cost is: individual - The cost of each individual product manufacturer. Public -value appears on the market.
The value of value of goods depends on three factors: a) the social productivity of labor, and b) the limited and rare resources, and c) the supply and demand;
Money in its development has gone a long historical path Money in its development has gone a long historical path. Their emergence and development associated with the change of forms of value. Form of value in its development was four historical stages: a) simple (random), and b) full (detailed), and c) a general d) money;
Monetary form of value is different from the general fact that the role of a universal equivalent of money is fixed forever and ever. Money is the universal equivalent.
Money performs five functions: a) the measure of value Money performs five functions: a) the measure of value. This function measures the value of money all other commodities. Money fulfills this function perfectly, that is mentally conceived, and b) a means of treatment, and c) the means of payment, and d) a store, and e) the world's money. Money transcend national boundaries.
Money circulation is continuous movement of money Money circulation is continuous movement of money. In its development, circulation was three historical stages: - Gold coin type. At this stage the currency of any country had the gold content or software - zolotobumazhny type of currency (1769g. in Russia) were paper money in two ways:
A) damage coins. Treasury bills, that is the obligation of the government, which are freely exchanged for silver and copper coins, or B) in commercial paper, that is a separate obligation industrialist or merchant to pay money at a certain time for the received goods on credit. Later banknotes were issued by the bank. Banknote provided by the State in gold, precious metals and other assets of the state bank.
Bank type of currency. It is characterized by the fact that paper money, nothing to do with gold. Today, so-called operational bank money, that is, most of the operations on purchase and sale of goods is carried out without the participation of money (bank transfer) or by credit card.