Learning and assessment Live your life. Create your destiny. Learning and assessment
Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Lesson outcome: Use teaching practice observations and the info from the video to determine : why learning is important and why do teachers need to assess pupils?
When assessing ensure the assessed assignment meets the standard of the grade you are teaching
Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies State true or false Learning is a lifelong process of experience that does not change the individual. Mellander (1993) states that we learn all the time , spontaneously, without making an effort. The assessment tool is the instrument that the teacher designs for the group, pupil or teacher to learn.
State true and false continue Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies State true and false continue 4.Assessment is a process by means of which the quality of an individual’s achievements’ can be judged. 5.Alternative assessment is to minimise the impact of the learner’s special needs upon assessment performance. 6.Summative assessment monitors and support progress of learning and the results used to improve teaching and learning
Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Answers: False True
Faculty/Department name here 18pt Arial What is learning? p3 Learning is a lifelong process of experience that changes the individual’ insight, behaviour, motivation, and this change leads to added knowledge or the ability to do something he/she could never do before
Assessment is a process by means Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies What is assessment? Assessment is a process by means of which the quality of an individual’s achievements can be judged, recorded and repeated
Assessment should be valid, objective, economical, reasonable and fair
Steps to develop an ideal assessment programme Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Steps to develop an ideal assessment programme Establish the purpose of the assessment Define the content domain: What do the pupils know and what can they do? Develop assessment matrix: grades to be tested, types of tests, and the content to be assessed Determine timing: end of term? End of year? Week? etc Use the results: view over a period of time
Media 3 Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Assess the posters on the board using the following criteria Criteria 0 lowest mark 1 2 3 4 5 highest mark Design and creativity of poster Related to subject The standard and quality level Visibility for the learners sitting at the back Originality and Overall impression Total 30
Humanities. Department: Educational Studies
Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies
Group Activity Divide in groups of six. Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Group Activity Divide in groups of six. Use your teaching practice journal and info from the video Determine: why learning is important and why do teachers need to assess pupils? Brainstorm, use your info to find answers (15 minutes) Group leaders give feed back on possible solutions
Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Individual feedback In not more than two paragraphs answer the following two questions: Which concepts are still not clear to you in this lesson? What new concepts did you learn from the lesson?
Faculty:Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Summary Learning is a lifelong process of experience that changes the individual. The assessment tool is the instrument that the teacher designs for the group, pupil or teacher to assess and reflect. Assessment should be valid, objective, economical, reasonable and fair Assessment is a process by means of which the quality of an individual’s achievements’ can be judged. Pupils learn all the time , spontaneously, without making an effort
Individual activity (Homework) Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Individual activity (Homework) Use your teaching practice observations And complete the following question. Do teachers use a variety of assessment activities ? If the answer is “yes”. Give examples of activities that teachers use in the classroom. If the answer is “no”. Why do you say so? What methods do they use?
Teachers determines successful learning Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Teachers determines successful learning Are we motivating our pupils ? If not, why not?
References Faculty: Humanities. Department: Educational Studies Du Plessis, P., Conley, L. & Du Plessis, E. (2007) Teaching and learning in South African schools. (South Africa, Van Schaik Publishers). Fox, T., Vos, N. & Geldenhuys, J. (2007) The experience of cross cultural peer teaching for a group of mathematics pupils, Pythagoras, 65, 45-52. Oritz, A. M. (2000) Expressing cultural identity in the learning community: Opportunities and challenges, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 82(Summer), 67-79. Gallagher,J.J. 1975.Teaching the Gifted Child. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Huitt, W. 1992. Assessment and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Psychological Type, 24, 33-44. Thomas,R. & Smoot, G. 1994. Assessment in the class: A vital work skill. Trust for Educational Leadership, 23, 34-38.
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