World Literature Week 6
Monday, October 5, 2015 Complete the ACT Passage
Objective SWBAT create a well written essay . CCRS: W.9-10.26
Portfolio Work Time Expectations Level 0 No web surfing (4 Demerits/Loss laptop privileges.) Direct any questions to teacher(s)
Homework Continue to work on Portfolio. Bring a HARDCOPY of a draft of your Portfolio to class on Friday. (Should be typed)
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 SSR. (15 minutes)
Objective SWBAT Develop concrete steps to successfully complete an OER. CCRS: W.9-10.26
Think, Write, Share How do plan for your OER’s or when writing a prompt?
Procedure Understand what the prompt is asking you to do. Read and understand the text. Create a Thesis Select your evidence Begin writing your essay
Practice OER Read the prompt. Jot down any question/clarifications. Analyze how James Joyce develops a theme using one or more of the following: indirect characterization, figurative language, and imagery.
Indirect Characterization Indirect Characterization shows things that reveal the personality of a character. There are five different methods of indirect characterization: (STEAL) Speech: What does the character say? How does the character speak? Thoughts: What is revealed through the character’s private thought s and feelings? Effect: On others toward the character. What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? Actions: What does the character do? How does the character behave? Looks What does the character look like? How does the character dress?
Figurative Language Metaphor: He has a heart of stone When writing goes beyond the actual meanings of words so that the reader gains new insights into the objects or subjects in the work. Metaphor: He has a heart of stone Simile: They fought like cats and dogs. Personification: The sun greeted me this morning. Hyperbole: You could have knocked me over with a feather. Symbolism: Using an image of the American flag to represent patriotism and a love for one’s country. Alliteration: Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better. Onomatopoeia: The burning wood hissed and crackled. The words: beep, whirr, click, whoosh, swish, zap, zing, ping, clang, bong, hum, boom, munch, gobble, crunch, pow, smash, wham, quack, meow, oink, and tweet.
Imagery Usually it is thought that imagery makes use of particular words that create visual representation of ideas in our minds. The word imagery is associated with mental pictures. It was dark and dim in the forest. – The words “dark” and “dim” are visual images. The children were screaming and shouting in the fields. – “Screaming” and “shouting” appeal to our sense of hearing or auditory sense. He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee. – “whiff” and “aroma” evoke our sense of smell or olfactory sense. The girl ran her hands on a soft satin fabric. – The idea of “soft” in this example appeals to our sense of touch or tactile sense. The fresh and juicy orange are very cold and sweet. – “ juicy” and “sweet” when associated with oranges have an effect on our sense of taste or gustatory sense
Recap?? So what is the prompt asking you to do?
Practice OER Now read and annotate the short story. Your annotations should be more than a summary, but rather analysis or questions you have about the text. As you read, keep the prompt in mind. (25-30 minutes)
Thesis and Evidence Now that you know what the text is about, you can CREATE a thesis statement answering the prompt. Make note of the evidence you want to use.
Exit Steps List the steps that you will take in order to be successful tomorrow’s OER. CWPA GRADE: 5 points
Homework Continue to work on Portfolio.
Thursday, October 8, 2015 SSR 20 minutes
Objective SWBAT: Identify characteristics of a strong conclusion paragraph. SWBAT: Create a strong conclusion paragraph for the upcoming portfolio. CCRS: W.9-10.26
Turn and Talk What do you normally include in your Conclusion Paragraph?
Conclusion Paragraph Since the conclusion paragraph is the last part of the essay, writers must make a strong summary statement to leave a memorable impression.
What does the conclusion do? 1. Summarizes the essay 2. Shows you proved the point you set out to make 3. Gives the reader a sense of completion 4. Leaves the reader remembering your main point
The difference is in the approach to the topic. Conclusion Paragraph Wait, that sounds kind of like the introduction! So, what is the difference between the introductory paragraph & the concluding paragraph? The difference is in the approach to the topic.
Think of these two paragraphs as funnels, one leading toward the body of your essay, while the other leads the reader away from the body. The introduction begins with a general approach to the topic and then moves toward the more specific aspect(s) of it The conclusion begins with the more specific aspect(s) and moves toward the general topic of your essay
What main point did you want to make in your essay? Did you make that point? Summarize it in your conclusion. Often you can use the introductory paragraph as a guide. This will help you come full circle and give your reader a sense of completion.
Other Ways to Summarize the Essay's Main Points: Refer briefly to the topic of each paragraph you wrote. Leave readers with something to think about. Suggest something readers can do about what they've just read.
How to Structure the Final Paragraph 1. Topic sentence: repeat the ideas in your thesis statement, but with deeper understanding 2. Supporting sentences: summarize the main points in the body of your essay 3. Closing sentence: connect back to the introduction to "clinch" the ideas in the essay, showing their importance
The "So What?" Tip for Writing an Effective Conclusion After writing your topic sentence, ask yourself: "So what? Why is that important?" Your next sentence should explain why. Then ask yourself again: "So what? Why is that important?" And so on.
Example of the "So What?" Method of Starting the Concluding Paragraph: "Education is very important in society." "So what? Why is it important?" "It gives all citizens an equal start." "So what? Why is that important?" Can you write an answer?
Strategies for Ending the Concluding Paragraph: 1. Perhaps add a quotation or surprising insight from the materials you researched. 2. Suggest some action to take or a solution to an issue. 3. Bring up questions for further study. 4. Point out broader consequences of the points you've made.
What To Avoid in the Concluding Paragraph: 1. Overused phrases: "in conclusion," "in summary," "in closing" 2. A new idea or subtopic 3. Supporting evidence or details (these should be in the body of the essay)
Example Conclusion Paragraph: In conclusion, a school with uniforms offers a bland environment that squashes a student’s individuality. As a stakeholder in this school, you should seek to preserve the individual spirit of students and vote “no” on school uniforms. With standardized testing being the driving force in education, students are expected to fit into some “one size fits all” mold. Uniforms would only further cause students to lose yet another means of personal expression. Students face so many challenges in education with less time to relax and be themselves. Expecting them to walk around like clones in uniforms will only cause students to be even less excited about going to school.
You Try It! Now, write a conclusion paragraph to go along with one of the following thesis statements: Animal testing is a necessity. Animal testing is unjustifiable. Remember: Point to the future Suggest a future action Relate to the thesis Express opinions on the topic
Portfolio Work Time Continue to work on your Portfolio, particularly your conclusion paragraph. Level 0 No web surfing (4 Demerits/Loss laptop privileges.) Direct any questions to teacher(s)
Homework Bring in a HARDCOPY of the draft to your Portfolio. HW GRADE: 5 points
Friday, October 9, 2015 Take out your rough draft, highlighter, and your sentence type chart.
Objective SWBAT. Develop and strengthen their writing by editing revising their sentence structures. CCRS: W.9-10.26
Do Now Trade your rough draft with a partner. Edit your partner’s paper, but most importantly highlight the use of the following verbs: is, are, was, were, had, etc. When you are finish tally them up and put the number at the top of the front page. (10 minutes) Make sure they are including all of the required Grammar skills!
Revise Your Paper In your paper you will only be able to use 3 of those verbs. You will strengthen the sentence with a new verb. So often, more powerful verb exists in the sentence. It's just a matter of flipping the sentence and removing simple words. Examples: "Pip is planning to go to London," which can be changed to "Pip plans to go to London." "Pip is putting money before family," which can be improved by saying, "Pip values money more than family.
Exit Ticket On a half sheet, turn in one of your original sentences and your revised sentences.
Homework Submit final draft of Portfolio to