DO NOW Read The Federalist No. 59 (on p. R45 in the textbook) and answer the following question: Why should the federal government control elections and not the states?
408: RATIFICATION of the consitution 11/10
Election 2015: Green Paper v. Yellow Paper:
The Federalist No. 10 Why can’t a democracy solve the “faction problem”? In “a pure democracy . . . A common passion will . . . be felt by a majority” (a.k.a. too cliquey) Why can a republic? Representation (not cliquey; too small)
The Federalist No. 59 Why should the federal government control elections? State control “would leave . . . The Union entirely at their mercy.” States “could at any time annihilate it.”
Ratification Approval of the Constitution 9 out of 13 must ratify Those that don’t – left out!
Fight for Ratification Small states (plus PA) ratify first 9 states Bill of Rights promised NY, VA Ratify soon after (much needed) NC, RI Left out
pp. 111-115 Analyzing Geography (p. 111) Answer questions 1-2 Document-Based Questions (pp. 112-113) Answer questions 1-3 Analyzing Visuals (p. 114)
The Constitution was official without New York and Virginia The Constitution was official without New York and Virginia. Why did the founders think it was still so important to get agreement from New York and Virginia? What could have happened without the support of those two states?