SSCs: Everything SSC Everything SSC
Student Selected Component SSCs: In Their Current Form Student Selected Component Year 1: 3 weeks of dedicated time in the Spring semester. Students submit a written manuscript and give an oral presentation Year 2: Attend placements on afternoons throughout the Year. Students submit a reflective piece and present a poster of their placement provider’s service Years 3 and 4: Two 4-week blocks across a 12 week period, after the end-of-year exams. Students submit a lengthy manuscript.
Student Selected Component SSCs: Points for Discussion Student Selected Component Rebranding the “SSC” Formal teaching of scholarship skills The timing of the SSCs, particularly in Year 3
Student Selected Component SSCs: Points for Discussion Student Selected Component Rebranding the “SSC” Formal teaching of scholarship skills The timing of the SSCs, particularly in Year 3
SSCs: Rebranding the “SSC” “SSC - Student Selected Component” has very little meaning Title should reflect more of what the Unit / Students are doing Floated Ideas: Student (Self) Selected Research Student (Self) Selected Professional Development Student (Self) Selected Scholarship The title can be for internal purposes only and can remain “SSC” for external audit / appraisal purposes if desired
Student Selected Component SSCs: Points for Discussion Student Selected Component Rebranding the “SSC” Formal teaching of scholarship skills The timing of the SSCs, particularly in Year 3
Need for Scholarship Skills SSCs: Need for Scholarship Skills Students have little understanding of how to construct a written report (e.g., review article, case report, audit report, research report, etc) Some students capture the “flavour” of writing from the sources they read, and some don’t. All students should have equal training / understanding. In Year 1, students could spend the 1st week mixing researching their topic with formal training on how to write a review, or humanities based paper. This training could also provide intercalating and postgraduate students a resource for better understanding of how to construct written reports for their degrees.
Student Selected Component SSCs: Points for Discussion Student Selected Component Rebranding the “SSC” Formal teaching of scholarship skills The timing of the SSCs, particularly in Year 3