Root List Week 10
Script, Scrib Write Postscript – after writing Scribe, Scribble, Describe, Inscribe, Script
Sect Cut Vivisect – amputate, cut flesh Dissect, Bisect, Intersection
Sol Sun or Alone Solarium – sun room Parasol, Solar Desolate, Solitary, Solo, Soliloquy
Spic, Spec Look at, See Perspicuous – clear, lucid Conspicuous, Circumspect, Spectator
Spir Breath, Breathe Aspire – to live for, strive for Inspire, Transpire, Spirit
Lexi Read, Word Alexia – loss of ability to read Lexicology, Lexiphile
Temp Time Temporal – of this time (present time) Temporary, Contemporary
Uni One University – “one society of teachers and students” Universal, Unique, Unison, Unilateral
Urb City Urban – of the city Urbanology, Suburb
Re Again Reincarnation – again in the flesh Rebound, Rewind, Recognize, Reaction