How to create an analytics widget and add it to the Alma dashboard Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian, Ex Libris
Agenda Introduction Creating an analytics object Choosing the widget
Introduction There may be cases where the library has created a useful chart or graph in Alma analytics and certain librarians will want to see it on their Alma dashboard. This may be done by creating a Widget and then each librarian can choose to have it display in his or her Alma dashboard
Introduction In our case we will use a graph of the average days to arrival per vendor. The graph is part of a report called “SS Items ordered with sent date and receiving date and TIMESTAMPDIFF and average” in directory “/Shared Folders/Alma University/Reports/Igelu 2014/”
Introduction This is the graph we want to display as the Widget
Agenda Introduction Creating an analytics object Choosing the widget
Creating an analytics object From the Alma menu under the ‘Administration” column we will choose “Analytics > Configuration Menu”
Creating an analytics object Then we will choose “Analytics Object List” and “Add new Analytics Object”
Creating an analytics object After clicking “Add new Analytics Object” fill in relevant information Specify that it is type widget The folder and report which we want to be in the widget A relevant title and description These are the roles which a user must have in order to be able to choose the Widget
Agenda Introduction Creating an analytics object Choosing the widget
Choosing the widget To choose a widget a user selects “Add Widget” from the Alma Dashboard
Choosing the widget The user then sees the possible widgets he may add depending on his roles (which were added previously as part of the widget). Click here to activate it
Choosing the widget Now it appears on the Alma Dashboard and can also be opened in a new window
Choosing the widget Here it is after clicking “Open in a new window”
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