What to do, if the system crashes! Telescope HELP What to do, if the system crashes! very, very preliminary. still working on additions to starting diamond.
General Stuff There are two separate DAQ (Data Acquisition) systems in the H8 beam line. The ATLAS upgrade (3D silicon and diamond) and the DEPFET system. We have a 3D silicon single chip and a diamond module in the beam. The system is controlled via internet with a remote connection using the “realVNC” program. That means you are using a PC to steer the DAQ PC which is physically located in the H8 test beam area. The great thing about this (in theory) is that you could do it even form a beach on Hawaii (if you have WLAN and put on enough SPF45). But that is theory: In practice you will sit in the counting room. One remark about the realVNC application: You can access the menu by pressing F8. It allows running in full screen mode which means your keyboard, mouse and screen is connected to the DAQ PC. To quit this press F8 and deselect full screen mode.
THE DAQ SYSTEM There are four applications need for the DAQ: The telescope control (actually the TLU control): This application sets the telescope settings. The RunControl: This program starts and stops data acquisition. Here you set the number of events taken per run, the run number (which is the also the file name), and the number of successive run. 3. The FileWriter: This program collects the data from the different TURBODAQs and writes it to disc. 4. The TURBODAQ: The controls the read out of the 3D silicon and diamond and needs to be started twice.
How data taking will be If everything works out nicely you don’t have to do anything, but… Sometimes the system crashes and then you might have to reboot the DAQ PC, reconnect to it with a remote desktop connection, launch the four applications, and do some settings. This manual will guide you step by step what you have to do for that. Usually you just watch if the event counter in the file writer goes up (you will see later where to see that). If it doesn’t go up for about 1 minute, check if you have beam on the NIM scalers. If they are counting, press stop daq in run control window and write down run data. If hex numbers show up in the lower right file writer window, triggers have been lost, and the Turbodaq (Atlas readout) has gotten out of synch with the telescope readout, stopping the system, without causing it to crash. In this case, try to press “enable trigger”. That may start the daq again, with the system on the next run. If not, restart the system.
1. Reboot the DAQ computer Disconnect from other computer by pressing F8. In pop up window choose: exit viewer Start Webbrowser (earth image on right-side task bar) and go to http://silabsteckdose.cern.ch” Click Control IO Username (Benutzername) and password (Passwort): root Switch only port 8 needed by your daq system off and after a few seconds, on again by clicking on port 8 (Output 8 =1 → Output 8=0 → Output 8=1). This turns power to the Windows computer in the beam area on, off, and on. Type in a terminal window: xvnc4viewer silab50 (The up arrow on the keyboard may recall that automatically.) Then press return. If the terminal window message is “unable to connect” it may not have yet rebooted, or you may need to go down to the computer. Password: Belinea A second window comes up, but with no blinking prompt. Just type in the same password (Kenwort): Belinea. View of PC comes up. Press F8. Then select full-screen mode if you like.
Launch these DAQ applications 3. Run Control 1. TELESCOPE 2. Filewriter 4. ATLAS Device Under Test Launch with double clicks on icons. (Note: background may not be solid blue as here.) Double click on telescope.
1. Set up the telescope After you started the BAT DAQ (“Telescope”) an info box appears Just (single) click OK
2. Set up the telescope Click once the indicated bar. A file selection box (not shown here) opens. Select: BAT_CERN03.ini, then click once “offnen”.
3. Set up the telescope You can then watch the system being configured for the test beam. The progress bar on the bottom fills up 4 times. Green means good, red means bad. If everything is okay, you should see the picture on the right. If not, try to reach Lars from the Bonn Group.
4. Set up the telescope Click (once) on the TLU tab. It is visible also on the preceding page – but note, before you click on it, “Info” and part of the “U” is not visible.) Then click once on the 5 in the Busy Mask. It should turn green Click “Set” If BCM is to be included, also press busy 7.
Setting up the telescope One last thing: Go to the TLU window and click the 5 in the Busy Mask, so it will turn green If BCM should be included, also press busy 7. that’s it for the telescope Press Data Rate 3 In the Module 6 tab that’s it for the telescope go on to the next window
Setting up the Run Control and File Writer Double click on the Run Control icon on the main screen (see page 3 for a picture of the icon). Two windows, shown on the next page, open. One is the “TTi Power Supply” window which is not used. Close it. The other is “Run control” which will be used to set the number of events per run, and the number of consecutive runs to take. Double click on the File Writer icon.
Setting up the RunControl and File Writer 1. Set the desired number of events per run. 2. Set the desired number of consecutive runs. 3. Unused TTi Power supply window. (to be closed.) These two windows normally left open. This is the run ID number: the next file written to disk is named runXXX.bdt, where XXX is the run ID number. (If the DAQ PC rebooted by itself you have to increase the run number manually.) During running, file writer window shows run and event numbers.
1. STARTING 3D 1. Click “TurboDAQ_MUTEX” Get windows below. 2. Select the VME address 20000000 3. Click “initialize PLL & PCC”. Several light violet buttons will darken. HINT: The window is probably “hidden” behind some other windows
2. STARTING 3D Go to the module config window: Click Module Configurations Select channel 0 and load (By pressing button without text): D:\TurboDAQ_files\M3D-4E-B\configs\tdac_config.cfg HINT: The window is probably “hidden” behind some other windows
3. STARTING 3D The window below appears. Select channel 0 and load (By pressing the button without text):
4. STARTING 3D The window below appears. Clicking twice on the up button should produce D:\TurboDAQ_files\ in the window “Suchen in”. In the standard way you browse, double click on the folder M3D-nE-α, where “n” is the number of electrodes per pixel, and “α” is the letter designating the pixel sensor. Double click on configs and then tdac_config.cfg. Then click “OK”. (Note: the example window below is actually for diamond.) up button:
5. STARTING 3D IMPORTANT – DON’T FORGET: Change two numbers: LATENCY to 228 and DELAY to 198 Click Test Global Registers: For a single chip there should be one green light If not, check first that you have loaded the correct config file. (See page 17.) If you have, and the light isn’t green, call Markus.
6. STARTING 3D Try to find this hidden window and click TESTBEAM
7. STARTING 3D disable box Polling, disable box Busy Msg, enable for TDC PRESS START AND YOU ARE DONE WITH SETUP !!!
1. STARTING Diamond 1. Click “TurboDAQ_MUTEX” Get windows below. 2. Select the VME address 10000000 3. Click “initialize PLL & PCC” (There will be no visible response.) HINT: The window is probably “hidden” behind some other windows
STARTING Diamond Go to the module config window: Click Module Configuration Select channel 0 and load (By pressing button without text): D:\TurboDAQ_files\MTB05_DiaHot\configs\...2006_noisy.cfg HINT: The window is probably “hidden” behind some other windows
STARTING Diamond Change two numbers: LATENCY to 228 and DELAY to 189 (only for module; single chip would be diamond would be 198) IMPORTANT: DON’T FORGET THAT Click Test Global Registers: For a single chip there should be one green light and for the diamond module, 15 (as shown here): If not, check first if you load the right config file otherwise call Markus
STARTING Diamond Try to find this hidden window and click TESTBEAM
STARTING Diamond disable box Polling, disable box Busy Msg, enable for TDC PRESS START AND YOU ARE DONE WITH SETUP !!!
Running Normally three windows – (1) Bat Slim, (2) Run Control, and (3) File Writer are displayed. The latter will show the “Run number” and Event Number”. To monitor detectors, double click “DQM”. Leave the window open all the time, because if it is turned off it will not work for the rest of the run. To check histograms, click on the “BAT” (Bonn ATLAS telescope) and ATLAS #4 (for 3D) tabs. BAT has modules 1,2,3, and 6, and for each, n and p sides. The hit map and correlation are the most useful displays. For correlation, select the two planes to be compared. (e.g. x, telescope module 2 and ATLAS x), and select for each the plot x or plot y axes. Press “show” button to see the relevant displays. Close any displays after use, since their updating slows the data collection.
Not Running If beam is on, the scalers in the rack are counting, and the requested number of events and runs has not been completed, but the event number does not increase: (a) The computer has crashed or (b) Triggers have been lost, stopping the system. (In the latter case, hex numbers will show up in the lower right file writer window.) Press stop daq in run control window and write down run data. Press “enable trigger”. For (b) that may start daq again on the next run. If not, If Go back to page 1.