Advocating for Crisis Services


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Presentation transcript:

Advocating for Crisis Services Erin Haw & Kara McCallum disAbility Law Center of Virginia

Presentation Outline Where have we been? Where are we going? Disability Rights Advocacy Strategies Participant Experiences

1. Where have we been?


2008 2010 2011 2012 DOJ launched a CRIPA investigation at CVTC. DOJ expanded its CVTC investigation to include other training centers and community based care. 2011 DOJ completed its investigation and issued a findings letter. 2012 A federal judge approved the settlement agreement reached by DOJ and Virginia.

2011 DOJ Findings Letter The Commonwealth also places individuals currently in the community at risk of unnecessary institutionalization at CVTC and other training centers, in violation of the ADA. Systemic failures that cause this violation include: The Commonwealth’s failure to develop a sufficient quantity of community services to address the extremely long waiting lists for community services, including the 3,000 people designated as “urgent” because their situation places them at serious risk of institutionalization; and The Commonwealth's failure to ensure a sufficient quantity of services, including crisis and respite services, to prevent the admission of individuals in the community to training centers when they experience crises.

2012 Settlement Agreement The Commonwealth shall develop a statewide crisis system for individuals with [I/DD]. The crisis system shall: Provide timely and accessible support to individuals with [I/DD] who are experiencing crises, including crises due to behavioral or psychiatric issues, and to their families; Provide services focused on crisis prevention and proactive planning to avoid potential crises; and Provide in-home and community-based crisis services that are directed at resolving crises and preventing the removal of the individual from his or her current placement whenever practicable.

2. Where are we going?

Current Crisis Services System REACH / Children’s DD Crisis Services CSB Emergency Services Law Enforcement / Criminal Justice System Crisis Stabilization Units Mental Health Hospitals

Future Crisis Services System? Expanded REACH / Children’s DD Crisis Services? Enhanced Medicaid Waiver Services? Increased Numbers of Behavioral Support Professionals? Better Trained Law Enforcement / Criminal Justice System? More Crisis Stabilization Units?

3. Disability Rights

Rights: Federal US Constitution Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Rights: State Code of Virginia: Title 37.2. Behavioral Health and Developmental Services » Chapter 4. Protection of Consumers Human Rights Regulations DMAS Medicaid Handbook DBHDS Children’s Residential Facilities Rules and Regulations DBHDS Licensing Regulations for Providers (Except Children’s Residential)

Rights & Standards: Local & Programmatic REACH Program Standards Children’s DD Crisis Services Program Standards Private Providers Community Services Boards (CSBs)

4. Advocacy Strategies

Power Poses

Strategies: Your Advocacy Be clear about what you want Fight the urge to tell your entire story Prioritize your concerns and address one at a time Use written communication when possible Request responses in writing Direct your communication to the entity that holds responsibility to “fix” your problem If you don’t get a response “bump it up!”

Strategies: Your Advocacy Get to know the system and key players Attend public meetings and use the public comment period: Settlement Agreement Stakeholder Meetings Local Human Rights Committee Meetings State Human Rights Committee Meetings REACH Advisory Council Meetings Legislative committee meetings Contact state and local law makers Get to know the system and key players: program standards, regional contact, central office contact Public meetings are just that…you can use the public comment period to notify people of your concerns

Helpful Contacts Russell Payne, Constituent and Stakeholder Relations, Behavioral Health Services, 804-786-1395, Heather Norton, Community Support Services, Developmental Services, 804-786-5850 Community Resource Consultants Regional Support Teams Critical and Complex Consultation Team Discuss limitations to the process

Strategies: dLCV’s Advocacy dLCV filed an amicus brief Public reports Collaboration with advocacy partners Educating stakeholders and legislators Formal complaint mechanisms Written requests / negotiation 1. Amicus Brief: Submitted in December 2015 in support of DOJ’s request for a court-ordered implementation schedule of the Settlement Agreement. Concerns highlighted in the Amicus Brief include: continued harm for people I/DD in Virginia due to the State’s non-compliance with the Settlement Agreement. Highlighted concerns: lack of crisis services and community supports to prevent unnecessary institutionalization fragmented system dangerous conditions in remaining training centers dangerous conditions in psychiatric facilities multiple barriers to discharge from psychiatric facilities 2. Formal Complaints: Person specific and systemic concerns have been brought to the Department of Justice, the Independent Reviewer, DBHDS Central Office Issues of concern echo the Amicus Brief. Other concerns: Admissions to training centers from psychiatric facilities Lack of crisis services for children State operated psychiatric facilities are the only no-refusal sites

dLCV Crisis Services Portal

dLCV Crisis Services Portal Complaints processes available for: REACH Office of Human Rights Office of Licensing Virginia Department of Health Virginia Department of Health Professions Medicaid Fraud Unit Virginia Department of Social Services Office of the State Inspector General Should we also include performance contract/third party contract enforcement??? – has Steve provided any updates on the viability of this?

5. Participant Experiences We want to know about what you or people you support have experienced in regards to crisis services. We want to better understand what you or the people you support need to prevent crisis or institutionalization. I am going to ask a few questions, please reflect on your experiences or the experiences of people you support. You do not need to share your experience or the experience of the people you support if you do not want to. After I ask a few questions, I will open he floor to people who do want to share. Feel free to jot down some notes if it is helpful. Erin and I will be available after the presentation to speak with people if you prefer to talk with us one to one. Have you or someone you support been in crisis recently? Who responded to the crisis? Who was there to help you or the person you support? What did you or the person you support get from the people that responded? What did you or the person you support need? What would you change about the experience? What strategies have you used that have been suc

Contact Information disAbility Law Center of Virginia 1512 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23230 1-800-552-3962 (phone) 1-804-662-7057 (fax)