History and Approaches Unit 1 History and Approaches
Module 3 – Careers in Psychology
Module 3 Objectives SWBAT: describe and differentiate the different career areas in psychology
Building Our Knowledge Basic research: Expanding the field of knowledge about a subject Asks fundamental questions like “why does this happen?” Careers in Basic Research: Psychometrics – ensures tests that measure are valid and accurate Educational psychologist – researches how students and teachers learn and develop Cognitive psychologist – researches how the mind thinks and processes info Social psychologist – researches how we think about, influence, and relate to each other Experimental psychologist – researches and tests behavior using the experimental method
Using Our Knowledge Applied research: Applies basic research to the questions of every day life Asks “how can we use this knowledge?” to apply Careers in Applied Research: Forensic psychologist – applies psychological principles to legal practice or the criminal justice system Industrial-Organizational psychologist – applies psychological principles to making an efficient and healthy workplace School psychologist – applies psychological principles to the school environment, ensuring it is healthy and productive
Helping Others Helping and Healing Professions: Applies research to help and heal others Asks “how can we help and heal people with this knowledge?” Careers in helping professions: Clinical psychologist – helps those suffering from psychological disorders Counseling psychologist – helps and provides counsel to those suffering from personal or interpersonal stresses (ex: family, marital, etc.) Community psychologist – helps communities heal and improve for all members Psychiatrist – helps those suffering from biologically-related psychological disorders; a medical doctor who specializes in psychological disorders