Treycent, Inc. Treycent provides apps that make it easier to retrieve personal information through voice commands. Our Custom Voice Commands app allows users to retrieve personal photos, notes, videos, documents, and other web content from their smartphone, smartwatch, or computer. May 2016
Pitch You know how most people have a hard time finding that one photo that they so badly want to show you? Or fumble with their phones just to view some notes? We have so much content on our phones and computers that its getting harder find stuff. My company creates smartphone, smartwatch, and web apps that let people retrieve their personal photos, notes and other content with a simple spoken phrase. You know how most people have a hard time finding that one photo that they so badly want to show you? Or fumble with their phones just to view some notes? We have so much content on our phones and computers that its getting harder find stuff. My company creates smartphone, smartwatch, and web apps that let people retrieve their personal photos, notes and other content with a simple spoken phrase.
Problem There are roughly two billion smartphone users 92% of whom take photos and, on average, have around 600 photos stored on their phones at any given time. Seventy-Eight percent of the US population has a computer and, on average, visits 89 different websites each with dozens of web pages. With all this content, smartphone and desktop computer users waste time and effort repeatedly searching to find it whether scrolling through hundreds of photos on their phone to find the one they're looking for or searching the web and navigating sites to find a web page. For the millions of smartwatch users, this problem is compounded due to their small screen sizes. There are roughly two billion smartphone users 92% of whom take photos and, on average, have around 600 photos stored on their phones at any given time. Seventy-Eight percent of the US population has a computer and, on average, visits 89 different websites each with dozens of web pages. With all this content, smartphone and desktop computer users waste time and effort repeatedly searching to find it whether scrolling through hundreds of photos on their phone to find the one they're looking for or searching the web and navigating sites to find a web page. For the millions of smartwatch users, this problem is compounded due to their small screen sizes.
Solution I believe that smartphone, smartwatch, and desktop computer users will embrace the use of voice commands to retrieve their personal photos, notes, and web pages because the amount of content is ever expanding making it more time consuming to find what you are looking for and speech input is the most natural form of interface. Treycent’s apps allow users to tag content with a voice command making future retrieval faster and easier. Our apps allow users to load their frequently accessed photos, notes, videos, documents, and web pages from their smartphone, smartwatch, or computer. Content can exist on the public internet or private intranet behind password and/or firewall protection and voice commands can be shared between friends or team members or even within an organization. I believe that smartphone, smartwatch, and desktop computer users will embrace the use of voice commands to retrieve their favorite photos, web pages, and personal notes because the amount of content is ever expanding making it more difficult and time consuming to find what you are looking for and speech input is a completely natural form of interaction. Treycent’s apps allow users to tag content with a voice command making future retrieval faster and easier. Our Custom Voice Commands apps allows users to load their frequently accessed photos, notes, videos, documents, and web pages from their smartphone, smartwatch, or computer. Content can exist on the public internet or private intranet behind password and/or firewall protection and voice commands can be shared between friends or team members or even within an organization.
Market The end-market for consumers is expected to reach nearly $29.5 billion in 2012 and $65.1 billion in 2017, a CAGR of 17.2% (1) The industry is set to become a $133 billion market by 2017 (1) The global voice recognition market was valued at nearly $47 billion in 2011 (2) The wearable industry will triple in the next five years – a whopping 245 million devices expected to ship in 2019 (3) Trends tell us people are seeking more ways to connect to their data. The advent of wearables speaks to the end market for consumers. The industry growth is forecasted to grow for the foreseeable future. The number of smartphone users worldwide will surpass 2 billion in 2016, according to new figures from eMarketer after nearly getting there in 2015. Data from a Pew Research Center survey done of smartphone users in 2011 found that 92% of smartphone users use their phones to take pictures. and the average smartphone user has 630 photos stored on their mobile device according to a study by personal media startup Magisto and reported on Gigaom. A 2013 report from NextMarket Insights estimates that 373 million smartwatches will be shipped by 2020. 36 million smarthome devices shipped by 2017 according to Parks Associates. (1) GLOBAL MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR VOICE RECOGNITION from BCC Research - 2012 (2) Information Technology Research Review from TransWorldNews - 2013 (3) CCS Insight’s Wearables Forecast, Worldwide, 2015-2019
Application Android smartphone/Android Wear smartwatch app iOS smartphone/Apple Watch smartwatch app Practically any device can be a pathway allowing people to retrieve personal information. The REST API adds even more possibilities to how the Treycent technology will be used in personal and business applications. Chrome web app with speech input plus REST API
Interface The core technology that enables people to load your favorite photos and personal notes by voice command can be harnessed for other applications. Product acceptance for our interface has grown to 35,000.
Traction 35,000 Downloads and Growing Downloads tracking similarly to popular apps! The core technology that enables people to load your favorite photos and personal notes by voice command can be harnessed for other applications. Product acceptance for our interface has grown to 35,000. Looking at popular apps’ download stats Treycent has comparable results.
Marketing Strategy Increase app downloads to 250,000 by EOY three Social Media Email Marketing Expand applications of technology to industry The immediate goal is to increase the app downloads. Social media, viral marketing and email marketing tactics will be used to increase awareness of the app. Advertising expenses are as follows: Year 1 $94,000 Year 2 $180,000 Year 3 $420,000 A tertiary goal is to expand the applications of technology to industry. As compatibility with other platforms grow applications for Treycent’s technology will follow. Grow penetration into more markets with localization Viral Marketing Compatible On Multiple Platforms
Business Model Host in app advertisements after 250,000 downloads Later charge download users for premium services Then add app sponsored content and license the API for B2B applications Beginning immediately we will In App advertising. Assumptions used for this are: Impressions per user session = 25 (According to 2015 Localytics report most apps generate 25 user sessions each time the app is accessed.) Impressions per ad spot = 200,000 Monthly ad revenue per ad spot - $2,000 ($.01 per impression. According to DoubleClick this rate is $.01 per impressions.) After we reach 250,000 downloads we plan to pursue: Premium features like: 1) the ability to share voice commands with more than 3 friends, 2) the ability to link a single voice command to more than 7 photos at a time, 3) the ability to have more than 20 voice commands, 4) photo storage of more than 16GB. Sponsored content: allow content providers to have their content voice-accessible via public voice commands like "photo of the day" (in addition to photos will support articles, article lists, and videos). Sell services to business like the creation of voice commands at the team level and organization level for retrieval of existing business related internet and intranet content like operational data and organizational knowledge (via question-answering).
Financial Projections Ramping up to reach the 250,000 download milestone will also mean a shift in sales activity. Prior to the 250,000 threshold Treycent will be soliciting advertising agreements for the in app ad positions. This activity will yield sales of: $ 211,750 $ 1,093,750 $ 4,863,750 Net Profits of: $ 27,295 $ 440,983 $ 2,567,844 Gross Margins of: $ 158,813 $ 820,313 $ 2,647,813 Total Expenses of: $ 126,700 $ 277,980 $ 626,820
Use of Funds Seeking $500,000 for 20% equity Development Advertising The funding we are seeking will be used to provide cash flow needs so that we can support our goal to reach 250,000 downloads. In general terms we plan on using the funds for: Advertising 40% Salaries 25% App Development 20% Hosting Services 10% Hosting Salaries
Team Donald McSwain Company Founder and CEO Former Software Engineer @Microsoft Former Software Engineer @Expedia Former Systems Engineer @MITRE
Contact Us (941) 363-1751 Looking to learn more regarding this investment opportunity? Contact us anytime through email or phone: (941) 363-1751 We look forward to fielding questions about any of the information provided in this presentation or any of the other documents used in this solicitation.