When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, “chances are, one third of the students already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won’t. So two-thirds of the students are wasting their time.” - Lillian Katz
Addressing Diverse Learner Needs Describe one or two students you have taught who had unique learning needs. What did those students need to have a great year? How do you address the needs of students with diverse learning profiles? What factors make it difficult to modify curriculum and instruction for diverse learners?
How will differentiated instruction increase quality student learning? Essential Question
Differentiated Instruction Reaching all students so that… “No child is left behind.”
If you are like most educators, you have students who struggle academically and others who are advanced beyond their peers. In these heterogeneous groups, you can meet the needs of all learners through differentiated instruction. This workshop will provide principles and strategies you need.
Focus of this Section Key elements every differentiated classroom should have. Instructional strategies that promote differentiated instruction. Strategies for managing the differentiated classroom.
-Differentiated instruction is not a new idea. KEYPOINTS -Differentiated instruction is not a new idea.
“One size-fits-all” instruction is not a good fit for many learners in an academically diverse classroom. KEYPOINTS cont’d
Good teaching is predicated upon a teacher’s clarity about what a learner should know, understand, and be able to do as a result of a given learning experience. KEYPOINTS cont’d
- All learners focus much of their time and attention on the key concepts, principles, and skills identified by the teacher as essential to growth and development in the subject – but at varying degrees of abstractness, complexity, problem clarity, and structure. KEYPOINTS cont’d
- All learners should work with “respectful tasks.” KEYPOINTS cont’d - All learners should work with “respectful tasks.”
KEYPOINTS cont’d -An appropriately differentiated classroom offers different routes to content, activities, and products in response to differing learner needs.
KEYPOINTS cont’d -Flexible grouping of students enables all learners to work in a variety of configurations and with the full range of peers, while targeting specific learning needs.
General Principles Respectful tasks Flexible grouping Ongoing assessment and adjustment
How do students differ? Readiness Interest Learning profile
Areas to be considered Content Process/Activities Product
Ways to differ content Reading Partners Split journals Books on tape Varied supplemental materials Highlighted texts Think-Pair-Share
Process/Activities Tiered Activities Compacting Learning contracts Homework options Group investigation Graphic organizers Induction/ Deduction Classifying
Products Create a model Conduct an interview Conduct a debate Plan a trip Write a story Design a web page
Instructional Strategies Refer to Section three of course
We tend to learn…. 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what see 50% of what we hear and see 70% of what we say 90% of what we say and do