IAB Administration Meeting January 23, 2017 Sue Kimlingen Kristi Dudek Adapted from the WPS Presentation by: Dr. Tracy Youngberg & Mr. Neil Weathers TESTING WINDOW 1/30/17-2/17/17
Presentation Objectives: Review IAB Administration Protocol Ensure a “Growth Mindset” message is delivered to our students Review Data Team Expectations afterwards (individual student goals) View an example of an IAB in ELA & Math Determine how you Will Reflect with Students to set Goals for the Summative Assessment
Benefits of Taking the IAB’s Can be used throughout the school year in a manner more consistent with the sequence of curricula Practice with actual test format and protocol (students and teachers) Can be given off level * Results will be reported in the Smarter Balanced reporting system as Below Standard, At/Near Standard, and Above Standard Non secure tests, can be used as an instructional tool Chance to set goals with students and develop a growth mindset * We will assess all students at their grade level!
The IAB’s Windham Will Focus On Grade Level ELA-Required Assessment Blocks Math-Required Assessments Blocks Assessments Used for Professional Development 3rd -Read Informational Text -Operations and Algebraic Thinking Teachers in Gr. 3-5 ELA- Read Literary Text Math- Numbers and Operations in Base 10 4th 5th 6th -Expressions and Equations Gr. 6 & 7 Math- Ratios and Proportional Relationships 7th 8th -Expressions and Equations I Grade 8 Math- Expressions & Equations II
How To Administer… http://ct.portal.airast.org/wp-content/uploads/Interim_Test_Administration-Manual_2016-2017.pdf Follow pages 13-20 of this manual linked above.
How to Administer: From WPS Homepage, Select: CSDE Smarter Balanced Assessment Portal Select “Smarter Balanced Assessment” Select “Test Administration” Log-In to AIR Select Grade Level and Content Select Interim Assessment Block IAB (NOT ICA) Select the Required Assessment Select OK, then Start Session Students use the Session ID to Log-in Teacher Approves Students
How to Look at Scoring You will use AIRWAYs to look at the scores. Most items are machine scored. For our required blocks, there are 1 constructed responses (2 in grade 5) that require hand scoring. More to Follow on Hand Scoring.
SBAC Testing Window March 27th-May 26th
General Instructional Responses Below Standard At/Near Standard Above Standard ELA -Student reflection: What was difficult? Easy? What can they improve next time? (Ensure you have identified academic vs. technical issues) -Increase non-fiction reading, written response & conferencing -Emphasize vocabulary development and comprehension strategies (Close Reading/DRP) -Set goals for time on task reading -Ensure grade level text is presented in whole group and practiced independently. -Comprehension questions posed using testing format and DOK levels -Test taking strategies -Continue focus on individual reading supports/goals Student reflection: What was difficult? Easy? What can they improve next time? -Ensure grade level text is read independently. -Students teach peers the strategies they used when completing this assessment -Students develop and respond to comprehension questions using the testing format and DOK levels - Student led Literature Circles w/ DOK questions aligned to IAB’s Class wide focus on the 5 lowest performance items
General Instructional Responses Below Standard At/Near Standard Above Standard Math -Student reflection about the test. What was difficult? Easy? What can they improve next time? (Ensure you have identified academic vs. technical issues) -See grade level break out of specific skills (Math Interim Blue Print) -Increase student talking and writing about solving math problems -Ensure fact fluency -Test taking strategies -Continue focus on individual math supports/goals-including digital resources Go Math/Big Ideas Student reflection about the test. What was difficult? Easy? What can they improve next time? (Ensure you have identified academic vs. technical issues) -Ensure DOK alignment w/ daily tasks Student reflection about the test. What was difficult? Easy? What can they improve next time? -Students teach peers the strategies they used when completing this assessment -Students develop math problems using the testing format and DOK levels -Math Strategy Groups w/ DOK questions aligned to IAB’s Class wide focus on the 5 lowest performance items
School Based Data Team Process Data Team Minutes including Instructional Reponse to the Data (5 lowest performance items) Discuss Individual Student Reflection/Goals DT Minutes and Student Reflection/Goals will be sent to Dr. Youngberg.
Links to State IAB Blue Print Document https://www.smarterbalanced.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Math_Interim_Assessment_Blocks_Blueprint.pdf https://www.smarterbalanced.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ELA-Interim_Assessment_Blocks_Blueprint.pdf
Viewing the IAB’s Select “Assessment Viewing Application” Choose your Grade Level Click “Next” Review the “Tasks for this Student” Grades 4-8 Suggestions Grade 3 Suggestions Tasks for Today: Decide which assessment you will use to prepare students and possible second assessment to administer Decide how you will set goals with students based on the results