Overview of GNSS & GNSS-Met situation in France COST Action ES1206 - GNSS4SWEC Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for monitoring Severe Weather Events and Climate Reykjavik, 10 March 2016 Overview of GNSS & GNSS-Met situation in France O. Bock (IGN) Outline Operational Services GNSS networks & data analysis centers Research projects HYMEX, REMEMBER, VEGA, AMMA… 28/05/2018 1
Operational processing of GNSS (tropo) data IGN/SGN operational activities RGP (permanent GNSS network – France; 440 stations) National data center => rinex files (1h/1s, 24h/30s) NRT + daily rapid (D+1) products (BERN5.2, GPS only, recent tests with GLONASS) => E-GVAP AC (sgn_, sgn1, sgnc) = 6 proc. EPN & IGS IGS data center (igs.ign.fr) => rinex files & IGS products Post-processing using final IGS products => EUREF AC = 3 proc. IDS (Int. DORIS Service) DORIS data and products center => IDS AC (ign) IGN/LAREG operational activities Routine post-processing (GIPSY) of GNSS data for: ROSEA (network of observatories for Atmospheric Water Monitoring) Long term research observing programmes (AMMA, HYMEX) AERIS: NEW national data center for the atmosphere and climate research CNRS operational activities RENAG (national research GNSS network; subset of RGP + 183 stations) National data center and post-processing products (GAMIT) SGNC: new process over Carribean region 28/05/2018
RGP (Reseau GNSS Permanent) RENAG (REseau NAtional GPS) EUREF - sgn E-GVAP - sgn 28/05/2018
Saint Pierre et Miquelon Martinique March 2016 : 440 stations Guadeloupe La Réunion Saint Pierre et Miquelon Martinique Mayotte French Guiana 28/05/2018
GNSS in research projects COST GNSS4SWEC WG1 & WG3 (studies on GNSS processing, assessment of long ZTD/IWV time series, climate model validation) => IGN & ENSTA WG1 BENCH & tomo (U. Le Mans) HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment, INSU-CNRS, PIs: V. Ducrocq, Meteo-France, and Ph. Drobinksi, CNRS) Assimilate repro GPS ZTD in AROME model (HyMeX reanalysis 2) Study Heavy Precip Events during SOP1 (fall 2012) REMEMBER & Med-CORDEX (REgional climate system ModEls in the Mediterranean, ANR, PIs: Ph. Drobinski and S. Bastin, CNRS) Evaluate regional (Mediterranean) climate models simulations VEGA (Water vapour, GNSS & climate, INSU-CNRS, PI: O. Bock) Produce & validate long time series of GNSS & DORIS IWV data Evaluate satellite and radiosonde IWV data Study water cycle & moist processes globally and in polar regions AMMA & Humidity-Sahara (West African Monsoon and Sahara) Study water cycle & moist processes (Saharan Heat-Low dynamics) 28/05/2018 5
reprocessed E-GVAP 182 sta RENAG + 8 sta HYMEX_FR + 5 sta HYMEX_DE SGN IGE ASI 182 sta RENAG + 8 sta HYMEX_FR + 5 sta HYMEX_DE 773 stations (3 Analysis Centres) 1046 stations (25 networks) reprocessed by LAREG & e-Geos with GIPSY s/w Period 1 Sep 2012 – 31 Mar 2013 28/05/2018 6 6