The French Revolution What is a Revolution - An overthrow and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
First Estate Was made up of Church officials. Owned 10 percent of the land Paid 2% of income to the government.
Second Estate Rich Nobles Made up 2% of the population Owned 20% of the land Paid no taxes
Third Estate 98% of the people in France. Three groups make it up Bourgeoisie Merchants believed in Enlightenment ideas Workers Paid low wages and went hungry Peasants Made up 80% of the population. Paid 50% of income to state.
Louis XVI King of France Inherited huge national debt. Borrowed money to help the American revolution Weak leader
Maria Antoinette Queen of France Austrian by birth. French did not like her. Was known as Madame Deficit Was 14 when she got married
Estates-General A meeting of all three different estates Was called to help fix Frances economic problems
What Happened
Enlightenment Ideas Challenged government and peoples thinking about equality, liberty, and government.
Economic Problems Population and trade were expanding Heavy taxes prevented the people to be able to do well. Bad weather caused crop shortages and rising bread prices.
Weak Leader National debt because of the America revolution hurt Frances. Louis XVI was indecisive and did not do anything to fix it.
Taxes Louie wanted to raise taxes but Second Estate called for an Estate-General.
Events at the Estates-General Each Estate has one vote that allows the First and Second Estate to always dominate. Third Estate demands to take control.
National Assembly Third Estate changes name to National Assembly. Passes laws and reforms for the French people
Tennis Court Oath Third Estate (National Assembly) was locked out of their building. Went to a Tennis court and wrote it there. Vowed not to leave until a new constitution was written.
Storming the Bastille Louis stations troops in Paris People believe troops are going to massacre people. Mob storms the Bastille for weapons. Fall of Bastille is like the Fourth of July in America