Directions Use your personal device to go to Click on “Student Login” Room Code = Dial155 Enter Name Answer both questions!!! *If you don’t have a personal device today, that’s okay!! There are hard copies of the bell questions on the back table in front of the large map.
Bell Questions What influenced the Latin American Wars for Independence? Enlightenment ideas and Am. Rev. and French Rev. What events were occurring in Europe that convinced some in Latin America that the timing was right for revolution? French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
Directions for Stations Complete each activity at each station. It’s okay if your not completely finished-review as much as possible. You will need a sheet of paper, writing utensil, and something to use for support to write on [Folder or Book]. 5 minutes at each station Wait for “Rotate” Have Fun!!!
Independence for Mexico Quiz Tomorrow Enlightenment & Age of Democratic Revolutions Thursday Exit Slip At the bottom of your sheet of paper that you used for the stations today, you need to answer the following question. Explain one connection among the Enlightenment ideas and each democratic revolution: American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American Wars for Independence. Turn in on the corner of the spare desk.