Proton Driver Initiatives Marco Zito (Dapnia-SPP) Bene Meeting Cern, July 4 2006 Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Taking over from Christian Cavata Not an expert in this field !! Foreword Taking over from Christian Cavata Not an expert in this field !! Still learning the job: issues, people, tasks…. Your input/advice is very welcome Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Proton Driver for neutrino beams : Initiative for FP7 Slide from Christian, april meeting at RAL In FP6 : Mainly HIPPI and XADS Outside FP6 : LINAC4 /SPL @ CERN RAL Isis/ESS/Nufact Accelerator R&D What in FP7 ? SCRF infrastructure at CERN, proposed by A. Wagner, endorsed by several Labs in EU, should be supported by Neutrino EU community (→pdriver and muon acceleration) Follow up on HIPPI ? Eurotrans : ADS demonstrator Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Proton Driver for neutrino beams : Initiative for FP7 Slide from Christian, april meeting at RAL 28 April 2006 Statement of Interest in a European SC RF Facility To: CERN Council Strategic Planning Group From: BENE (Beams for European Neutrino Experiments) Subject: European Super-Conducting RF Facility This short statement, on behalf of BENE, intends to convey to the Council SPG the support of the Accelerator-based European Neutrino community for the SC RF Facility proposed in the Letter of Intent, sent in March by Prof A. Wagner, chair of the Tesla Technology Collaboration. Superconducting RF is essential in the context of a future neutrino facility. It is planned to be used in the proton driver and, in the case of a neutrino factory, in the muon accelerators. Therefore, the European BENE Networking Activity, grouping many laboratories and institutes interested in the promotion of a future neutrino facility in Europe, would like to state clearly its interest in the proposed facility. For it to be matched also to the needs of a neutrino facility, it should be able to support the development, construction and test of the larger cavities operating at 700 MHz for the proton driver and 200 MHz for the muon accelerators. This implies the following capabilities: Niobium on Copper construction techniques, the processing of cavities of the corresponding size and technology, High power RF testing at both frequencies. The components which have to be developed have large similarities with the ones needed for the ILC and could greatly benefit from the experience jointly gained. This is in particular the case of: high quality cavities, high power couplers, High-Order Mode couplers, tuners, embedded magnet package, Beam Position Monitors (BPM), cryostat vessel. We acknowledge the explicit mention of synergies with other applications in Prof. Wagner’s document The facility proposed has to include a considerable infrastructure such as clean rooms, cryogenics, surface preparation, ultrahigh vacuum installations, RF test equipment etc. which it is very desirable to use for multiple purposes. Sharing it will undoubtedly profit to all future applications of the superconducting technology and help design economically optimized devices. We are glad to have an opportunity to collaborate with the ILC effort and ready to give our contribution to the formulation of the more complete proposal that will be submitted in the framework of FP7. V. Palladino (Coordinator of the CARE/BENE Network) Editors : A. Blondel, C. Cavata, P. Dornan, V. Palladino Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Slide from Christian, april meeting at RAL Marco Zito Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
IFMIF Project International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility Part of the “enlarged approach” package containing ITER 2 phases : EVEDA (Engineering Validation Engineering Design Activity)(Rokkasho) prototype of upstream block, then IFMIF (Europe) Start in 2007 33 ME: France, Italy, Spain High power (10MW), huge neutron flux (20 dpa), challenge to machine reliability Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Présentation Approche élargie ITER International Fusion Energy Research Center ITER Remote Center ITER Setting Experimental Parameters Data Acquisition and Analysis Computer Simulation Center for Fusion Science JT 60 SA Satellite Tokamak IFMIF-EVEDA Fusion Power Plant Technology DEMO Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
IFMIF and the Road Map fusion Test & verify materials performance for design, construction, licensing and safe operation of DEMO ~2015 DEMO Reactor Operation EVEDA Construction ~2025 Sufficient Information for DEMO Construction EVEDA Task Design Integration Ion Source Test Accelerator Test Diagnostics System Design Main Loop Model Diagnostics Li Purification Remote Handling System Design Test Module Small Specimen Test Diagnostics Remote Handling System Design Accelerator Target Test Cell DT Linac Injector RFQ 40 MeV 0.1 MeV Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 5 MeV Li Purification Loop Marco Zito
Le grand IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) Most important task is to realise overall design of the facilities Installation d’irradiation des matériaux par les neutrons de 14 MeV Document de référence : CDR (Comprehensive Design Report) Lieu d’implantation non déterminé Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) 40 MeV 2 x 125 mA 10 MW faisceau 1 MW cw 175 MHz 2 Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Scheme of the IFMIF EVEDA Accelerator Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
IPHI (Injecteur de Protons Haute Intensité) RFQ Diagnostics Dump 300 kW Source SILHI ECR plateforme 100 kV guides d’onde 1ère section RFQ Proton beam 3 MeV 100 mA, installation and long-term test in 2007. Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito
Next steps? Bene Open Meeting,CERN July 4, 2006 Marco Zito