Services Delivery in Emergencies Lakshmi P Dhakal
Emergency Services... Public Organizations whose job is to take quick action to deal with Emergencies when they occur.......
Hazards Natural hazards Geological hazards : Earthquake, Landslide, Mudslide Meteorological hazards : Flood, Flash flood, Dam failure, Drought, snow, hail, Extreme temperature (Heat, Cold wave ) , Lightening Biological hazards : Foodborne illness, Pandemic
Hazards... Human – Caused Events Accidental : Hazards material spill or release, Nuclear power plant incident, Explosion, fire, Transportation accident, Building/Structure collapse, Transportation incidents (vehicle, aircraft) Intentional : Robbery, child abduction, kidnap, hostage incidents, workplace violence, Demonstrations, civil disturbance, suspicious package, Terrorism
Hazards.... Technology caused events Utility interruption or failure : ( telecommunications, electric power, water, gas, sewerage system) Cyber security : data corruption/ theft, loss of electronic data interchange, hacking
Hazards Assessment
Preparedness Policy Mission Vision Roles and responsibilities Goals and Objectives of the program
Mechanism Development, implement and Maintenance of preparedness program Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee Regional & District Disaster Relief Committee National Emergency Operation Center Regional & District Emergency Operation Center
Administration Laws, Regulations Guidelines Manuals Procedures Natural Disaster Relief Act, 1982 Guidelines Manuals Procedures Procurements
Protective plan for life safety Rescue Evacuation Sheltering Lock down Resources Human Physical : Equipment,
Emergency Response Plan Performance objective plan Risk Assessments Link to Information Resources Regulations Protective Actions : Evacuation, Sheltering, Lockdown Develop hazard and threat specific emergency procedures
cont...... Coordinate the stakeholders Trained Personnel ( Army, Police, Armed Police force, Community, Volunteers) Frequent Exercise
Compensation Insurances Relief package Food, Shelter, Health treatment Cash Grant Soft Loan