Available, Teachable, Experiential.
Availability Communication Use all the words Use modern methods – blogs, podcasts, twitter
Availability Communication Use all the words Use modern methods – blogs, podcasts, twitter Use ourselves Change the model Relevant approaches Accessible times Multiple points of entry Liquid Church Retain the demand for commitment
Teachability Stories Stories of past Friends Bible stories Stories told with our lives Stories about our meetings Stories of our faith and our practice Stories told in a variety of ways: words, music, video, pictures, conversation. One size doesn’t fit all
Becoming Friends aims to support and nurture those who are new to Friends helps newcomers develop an understanding of Quakerism, while exploring their own journey and connection with Friends it is available online; for individuals in meetings with a seasoned Friend as a ‘companion’; for groups in meetings with facilitators. flexible learning materials, accessible online or on paper a choice of learning units and activities people able to work at their own pace and for as long as suits them
topic units Silence and Waiting Faithful Diversity Experiencing Quaker Community Faithful Diversity The Sacred in the Everyday Advices & Queries Deep Roots and New Growth Faith in Action Speaking of God
Strength to lead, faith to follow
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