We must know the CONTEXT!!! Without it, we know nothing!!!! Luke Background Notes We must know the CONTEXT!!! Without it, we know nothing!!!!
Luke He was a physician before becoming a disciple He was highly educated. He was familiar with research and paying attention to facts and details. Because of this, we can trust that his account is reliable.
When did Luke live? He likely did not live during the life of Jesus. He was a disciple of Paul.
To whom was the gospel of Luke written? Luke wrote to Gentile readers. Matthew wrote to Jewish readers.
What else is Luke known for? Luke also wrote the book of Acts (which we will study next semester). Luke and Acts were originally one book that was separated into two. Both were written as a letter to a young believer named Theophilus.
Does Luke’s Gospel have anything in common with any other Gospels? Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the synoptic gospels. This means that they have similar content and a similar order of events.
If that’s the case, is there anything in Luke’s Gospel that isn’t anywhere else? Of course! Here are 3 examples: 12-year-old Jesus at the Temple (the only story in any of the Gospels about Jesus as a boy). Jesus heals a soldier’s ear. Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection.
There are also several stories about women that aren’t found anywhere else: The story of Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist). Mary is visited by an angel, not just Joseph. Anna visits baby Jesus at the Temple. Female disciples financially support Jesus’s ministry. Women are at the crucifixion.