Virtues CHAPTER 26
Think... Virtues What are some bad habits? Have you ever tried to break a habit? What is it like to try to change? Virtues
Bad Habits Bottling up stress “Laziness” Making excuses Not completing work Bottling up stress Waiting until the last minute to do work Buying things you don’t need “Laziness” Spend time with negative people Making excuses
Virtue Catholics believe that through virtues we can change They help us to become more like God virtue – a good habit that helps us to act according to God’s love for us
Theological Virtues Faith, hope, and love(charity) Called this because they are gifts from God
Faith Believe in God – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit Accept all the God has done Believe his is with us and acting in our lives Choice we make (FREE WILL) We should have it and show it to others Called to be a witness to the faith
Hope Enables us to trust in Jesus and God’s promise Rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit Respond to happiness Helps us to work to spread the Kingdom of God on earth and look forward to the one in heaven
Love Enables us to love God and our neighbors Greatest of all virtues All virtues come from it It is our goal as Christians We can love, because God loved us first Parents, Guardians, families teachers show love by providing and encouraging
St. Paul wrote letters to early Christian communities St. Paul’s Letters St. Paul wrote letters to early Christian communities Write your own letter to your community how faith, hope, and love have made a difference in your life
Mary, our model Through God’s grace we open our hearts to the influence of the Holy Spirit – we grow in holiness The gospels gives us an example of this holiness, a young Jewish girl named Mary
God asked Mary to become the mother of his son – a big change in her life She was totally open to God’s call Her yes, was response in faith, hope, and love She was a part of his plan She if the PERFECT model of the way we should live Jesus’ first disciple
Cardinal Virtues Guide our mind and actions to live a good life There are FOUR: Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance
Prudence Helps us to make a sound judgments and direct our actions toward what is good
Help us to give to God and our neighbors what is rightfully theirs Justice Help us to give to God and our neighbors what is rightfully theirs
Help us act bravely in the face of troubles and fear Fortitude Help us act bravely in the face of troubles and fear
Temperance Help us to keep our desires under control and balance our use of material good
Called to a life of love