We Give a H.O.O.T. About Writing!
Writing In School Every day! Students are W.I.S.E. Revise to your Respective School Writing In School Every day!
Learn L.O.T.S. L anguage O f T he S tandards
Georgia Standards Standards: ELAGSE3,4,5W3 ELAGSE3,4,5W2 ELAGSE3,4,5W1 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. Standard: 3,4,5.ELAGSE 3,4,5W10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Georgia Standards Standard: 3,4,5.ELAGSE 3,4,5W9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Creating: Generating new ideas or ways of viewing things (Design, construct, plan, produce, invent). Evaluating: Justifying a decision (check, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging). Analyzing: Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding, interviewing). Applying: Using information in another familiar situation (implementing, carrying out, using, executing). Understanding: Explaining ideas or concepts (interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining. Remembering: Recalling information (recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding).
Essential Question??? When Writing, how do you ….. Use the HOOT strategy Construct a short response Provide appropriate evidence Support your analysis and reflection to answer questions about literary and informational texts?
What do these pictures make you think of?
Activating Strategy Adobe Voice
L.O.T.S. of Vocabulary H.O.O.T Short constructed-response Task Purpose Texts Evidence Topic Sentence Analyze Explain Support Transitions Summarize
So what is H.O.O.T.?? H.O.O.T is an acronym to help you create fantastic short constructed responses Be prepared to “teach” your partner one thing you learned Be prepared to answer questions about what H.O.O.T stands for
W.I.S.E. Writers Give a HOOT about Short Constructed Responses!
Let’s break H-O-O-T into parts H=How many parts to the task? Figure out how many things you’re supposed to do Count Circle the verbs/important parts of the question; highlight and label Check off as you answer each part
O O=One answer Complete sentence Turn the original question into a declarative sentence with an answer Precise, concise
O O= Ok, find official evidence from the text scan and skim the text for key words or phrases Evidence based terms will have be used: because, since, so Most evidence is in the middle paragraphs
T T=transition to wrap it up Conclusion transition words This proves that Now I know that As you can see, ______________________ I believe, _____________________________ Restate your answer.
Remember BME? BME: Longer Stories; HOOT: 4- 5 sentences BME and HOOT same organization H: The prompt O: Beginning O: Middle T: End
HOOT Acrostic Poem Work with your partner to create a HOOT Acrostic Poem that illustrates what HOOT stands for
Summarizer: Teach-Okay Teach each other what H.O.O.T. stands for! If time remains, students should work on drafting while teachers conference with students. Question, quote, definition, It’s just my opinion, but… I’m going to tell you about Answers will vary Bold, Topic, feeling What I think and what I feel about my topic.