Writing Effective Introductions A guide, with model texts
Do’s and Don’ts Do Don’t Create a “thesis” or argument that you pursue in your essay (related to the essay topic or exam question). In this essay I am going to... Include the title of the text and the author’s name. Refer to the author by first name only! State exactly which aspects of the text you will use to respond to the question Try to include everything (select carefully!) Use precise and concise vocabulary to say exactly what you mean waffle Adopt a formal register chat ??? These can also be generate by the class and typed in to the box.
With close reference to at least one poem you have studied, consider how poets convey their attitudes towards love.
The poem, “Sonnet 43”, written by Elizabeth Barret Browning, deals with the theme “Love conquers all”. The poem conveys the depth of love that one can feel for another person, and it does this through the use of metaphors and similes which suggest strength. The poet also uses diction related to spirituality to convey the scope of her love. Her use of diction and imagery suggest that, for the speaker of the poem, love is a strong and powerful emotion.
Use these introductions as models of how to write a good introduction for the topic below: With reference to at least one poem you have studied, explore the poet’s attitude towards the environment. You may attempt a comparative essay if you wish. DO NOT merely copy out one of the introductions in this powerpoint! Write your own, based on what has been modelled here!