Leaders’ Forum • February 10, 2005 Dr. Davenport continues: Segue into discussion of key messages: “While funding is crucial for our future success, so are our efforts to attract talent and to communicate our uniqueness. Let’s look at what students are saying about Western, then at the key messages that have come out of recent discussions about who we are and what we do so well. My thanks to the Communications and Public Affairs team for their work on crafting these messages.” Leaders’ Forum • February 10, 2005
President’s Council • February 2005 Globe and Mail/Strategic Counsel Student Survey Grade Point Average Assigned to Institutions by Student Survey Respondents on 1 to 5 Scale (Composite of 66 Questions) Western 4.05 McMaster 4.03 Queen’s 3.94 Laval 3.84 Waterloo 3.81 McGill 3.77 Alberta 3.73 UBC 3.68 Montreal 3.63 Toronto 3.60 Published October 13, 2004 President’s Council • February 2005
President’s Council • February 2005 Globe and Mail/Strategic Counsel Student Survey Western’s Areas of Greatest Strength Faculty members’ knowledge of the subjects A+ Personal safety/security A+ Attractiveness of the campus A+ Overall course variety and availability A The reputation of the university among employers A Library services A Overall quality of on-campus buildings and facilities A Computer accessibility on campus A Overall educational experience A Diversity of extra-curricular activities (e.g., clubs) A Cultural diversity and openness A President’s Council • February 2005
President’s Council • February 2005 Maclean’s Magazine/Angus Reid Alumni Survey “Very Satisfied” With Educational Experience Western 69% Queen’s 63% Waterloo 58% Alberta 56% McMaster 55% McGill 52% Laval 49% Toronto 48% UBC 46% Montreal 42% Published November 8, 2004 President’s Council • February 2005
Western provides the best student experience among Canada’s leading research-intensive universities.
1. Western is a diverse and collaborative community of nationally and internationally celebrated scholars, whose innovative approaches to teaching, learning and research expand the boundaries of post-secondary education.
2. Western offers the pursuit of academic excellence in an interdisciplinary environment that fosters leadership and personal growth and offers flexibility in choice of curriculum.
3. Western is Canada’s premier residential University – an unforgettable place to learn, live and work thanks to the location, beauty and safety of our campus, and a supportive community of our Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni.