Industrial Strength Machine Learning Jeff Eastman Apache Mahout Industrial Strength Machine Learning Jeff Eastman
Current Situation Large volumes of data are now available Platforms now exist to run computations over large datasets (Hadoop, HBase) Sophisticated analytics are needed to turn data into information people can use Active research community and proprietary implementations of “machine learning” algorithms The world needs scalable implementations of ML under open license - ASF
Where is ML Used Today Internet search clustering Knowledge management systems Social network mapping Taxonomy transformations Marketing analytics Recommendation systems Log analysis & event filtering SPAM filtering, fraud detection
History of Mahout Summer 2007 Community formed Developers needed scalable ML Mailing list formed Community formed Apache contributors Academia & industry Lots of initial interest Project formed under Apache Lucene January 25, 2008
Who We Are (so far) Grant Ingersoll Dawid Weiss Ozgur Yilmazel Erik Hatcher Karl Wettin Jeff Eastman Ted Dunning Sean Owen Otis Gospodnetic Isabel Drost
Current Code Base Matrix & Vector library Clustering Utilities Hama collaboration for very large arrays Clustering Canopy K-Means Mean Shift Utilities Distance Measures Parameters
Example: K-Means Given K, assign the first K random points to be the initial cluster centers Assign subsequent points to the closest cluster using the supplied distance measure Compute the centroid of each cluster and iterate the previous step until the cluster centers converge within delta Run a final pass over the points to cluster them for output
K-Means Map/Reduce Design Driver Runs multiple iteration jobs using mapper+combiner+reducer Runs final clustering job using only mapper Mapper Configure: Single file containing encoded Clusters Input: File split containing encoded Vectors Output: Vectors keyed by nearest cluster Combiner Input: Vectors keyed by nearest cluster Output: Cluster centroid vectors keyed by “cluster” Reducer (singleton) Input: Cluster centroid vectors Output: Single file containing Vectors keyed by cluster
K-Means Hadoop Implementation KMeansDriver runJob() runIteration() isConverged() runCluster() KMeansMapper configure() map() KMeansCombiner reduce() KMeansReducer Cluster configure() formatCluster() decodeCluster() addPoint() computeCentroid() accessors
Algorithms Under Development Naïve Bayes Perceptron PLSI/EM Taste Collaborative Filtering Integration Genetic Programming Dirichlet Process Clustering
GSoC @ Mahout Many interesting submissions 4 projects approved for Mahout ( “Mahout: Parallel implementation of [NB/SOM/RF] machine learning algorithms”, Farid Bourennani “Implementing Logistic Regression in Mahout”, Yun Jiang “Codename Mahout.GA for mahout-machine-learning”, Abdel Hakim Deneche “To implement Complementary Naïve Bayes and Expectation Maximization algorithm using Map Reduce for Multicore Systems”, Robin Anil
Conclusion This is just the beginning High demand for scalable machine learning Contributors needed who have Interest, enthusiasm & programming ability Test driven development readiness Comfort with the scary math (or bravery) Interest and/or proficiency with Hadoop Some large data sets you want to analyze Access to clusters that we could use for testing