Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TG4e Closing Report for November 2011 Session] Date Submitted: [9 November 2011] Source: [Seong-Soon Joo] Company [ETRI] Address [Gajung-Ro 161, Yusong-Gu, Taejon, KOREA] Voice:[+82.42.860,6333], E-Mail:[] Re: [TG4e Closing Report for November 2011 Session] Abstract: [Closing Report for the TG4e Session in November 2011] Purpose: [Amendments to IEEE 802.15.4 MAC] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Scope of Proposed Standard TG4e PAR Scope of Proposed Standard The intention of this amendment is to enhance and add functionality to the 802.15.4-2006 MAC to a) better support the industrial markets and b) permit compatibility with modifications being proposed within the Chinese WPAN. Specifically, the MAC enhancements are limited to: TDMA: to provide a) determinism, b) enhanced utilization of bandwidth Channel Hopping: to provide additional robustness in high interfering environments and enhance coexistence with other wireless networks GTS: to increase its flexibility such as a) supporting peer to peer, b) the length of the slot, and c) number of slots CSMA: to improve throughput and reduce energy consumption Security: to add support for additional options such as asymmetrical keys Low latency: to reduce end to end delivery time such as needed for control applications
Purpose of Proposed Standard TG4e-PAR Purpose of Proposed Standard This functionality facilitates Industrial applications (such as addressed by HART 7 and the ISA100 proposed standards), and those enhancements defined by the proposed Chinese WPAN standard that aren't included in TG4c. This amendment addresses coexistence with wireless protocols such as 802.11, 802.15.1, 802.15.3, and 802.15.4.
TG4e Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM1 unused AM2 PM1 Opening Logistics, SB result review, Comment resolution Closing Logistics PM2
Meeting Goals and Achievements Review results from Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 Review comments from Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 Resolve Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 comments Resolve 4 comments (15-11-0576-13-004e-802-15-4e-sponsor-ballot- comment-database) TG motion for WG to request unconditional approval from EC to submit TG4e amendment to RevCom Discuss next step
Sponsor Ballot Results November 2011 Sponsor Ballot Results Voters 180 (original LB60 pool) Voted 160 (93%) Yes 158 (98%) No 2 (2%) Abstain 8 (4%) Comments 4 (T: 1, E: 1, G:2)
TG4e Officers Chair: Seong-Soon Joo Vice Chair: TBD Secretary: TBD Technical Editing Chief Editor: Ludwig Winkel Liang Li, Wun-Cheol Jeong, Jonathan Simon, Ben Rolfe Ballot Resolution Committee: Seong-Soon Joo Pat Kinney (chair) Ludwig Winkel Wei Hong Jeff King Wun-Cheol Jeong Chang Sub Shin Ben Rolfe Yang Yang Myung Lee Jonathan Simon Kazuyuki Yasukawa
<July 2011> TG4e Schedule Letter Ballot Start (30-day) 8 Oct 2010 Letter Ballot Close 7 Nov 2010 Resolve comments 20 Jan 2011 Recirculation (15-day) 25 Feb 2011 Resolve comments 17 Mar 2011 Recirculation II (15-day) 21 Apr 2011 Resolve comments 8 May 2011 Recirculation III (15-day) 7 Jun 2011 Sponsor Ballot (30-day) 5 Aug 2011 Resolve comments 19 Sep 2011 Recirc-1 (10-day) 14 Oct 2011 Recirc-2 (10-day) 28 Oct 2011 EC approval to go to RevCom 11 Nov 2011 IEEE RevCom approval Mar 2012 <Seong-Soon Joo>, <ETRI>
<May 2011> TG Motion TG4e requests that 802.15 WG requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4e-D08 draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by Jonathan Simon Seconded by Jeff King Upon neither discussion nor objection the motion carries with unanimous consent <Seong-Soon Joo>, <ETRI>
<May 2011> WG Motion Move: that 802.15 WG requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4e-D08 draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by Seong-Soon Joo Seconded by Pat Kinney <Seong-Soon Joo>, <ETRI>