STUDENT’S HOME PAGE View Classes and Assignments Send an Email Administrative use only View Classes and Assignments YOUR NAME HERE Send an Email Class Discussions Written Assignments Special Announcements from Your Instructor will Appear HERE Complete List of Enrolled Courses and Content Classes and Content EMAIL and other correspondence will appear HERE
STUDENT ASSIGNMENT PAGE Instructor Name Graphic bubble of status for course List of Courses and Content
(Used to submit written assignments) STUDENT DROP BOX (Used to submit written assignments) STUDENT MESSAGE PAGE (Used for intra-system PLATO Email only)
STUDENT DISCUSSION PAGE DISCUSSIONS are designed to hold a general conversation between instructor and learners, just as it would be in an actual classroom. Discussions are posted in a “blog” format and may receive responses from other students or the instructor. In most cases, the instructor will grade the content of your discussion response.
In some cases, you will be asked to download a discussion or list a list of questions, and resubmit the document with your answers. Below is general information on how to do this: From your PLATO account, download and SAVE the document to your personal computer or laptop. Open the document from your Personal Computer or Laptop and Complete the Assignment. Save the document periodically as you’re working AND at the completion of the assignment. From Your PLATO account under the corresponding assignment, select “UPLOAD NEW FILE” Downloaded Document on your PC Working Document Saved Document on your PC
Select “Browse” to search the file Select “Browse” to search the file. Select OPEN and the file will automatically be uploaded to the PLATO system. Confirmation the file was uploaded successfully will appear in your PLATO account 5. SELECT and SUBMIT FILE(S) to be submitted to instructor.
6. Select whether you are submitting for REVIEW or for SCORING and then SEND FILE(S). You may also send a comment to your instructor in the comment box provided. 7. Confirmation will appear in PLATO above the assignment being reviewed or scored.