IBC2017 Conference Presentation Template for Emerald, E102, G102-103 and Auditorium You must use this template Slide one is the Presentation Title Slide Please do not put any text outside the text boxes Logos can be placed along the right hand side of each slide The IBC logo in the Title Slide is slightly larger than in the second slide. Slide two can be duplicated as many times as you wish for your presentation You may include any relevant text, pictures, graphs or charts as needed. Please leave the area clear above the IBC logo. Please do not: Amend the set font (Arial) Add any other background colours to the slides Change the size of the slides Please save your file to your computer with your First Name_Last name_Room_Day e.g. Joe_Bloggs_Forum_Thursday.ppt You will receive a Dropbox file request from IBC Conference Click “Upload Files” to upload your file from your computer to the IBC secure Dropbox If you would like to make updates, please save your file as V2 to ensure we have the latest version Save and upload any video/media content for your session to Dropbox in the same way The deadline for all presentations and content is Friday 08 September 2017 We look forward to receiving your presentation. Any questions please email conference@ibc.org