Practical Ways to Help Make Your Psychology Department "Outstanding"
Webinar Recordings/Resources Webinars Coming Soon Webinar Recordings/Resources
CPD Events – Last Chance Fast-Track Your Planning for AQA A Level Psychology (Year 2) London 30th September To book: or email A packed day with OVER 40 active teaching & learning activities…
Session Aims Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning & Assessment 16-19 What is ‘Outstanding’? Know Your Benchmarks Use Data Effectively Share, Share, Share Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Effective Department Meetings Top Tips from the Tutor2u Team
Session Aims Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning & Assessment 16-19 What is ‘Outstanding’? Know Your Benchmarks Use Data Effectively Share, Share, Share Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Effective Department Meetings Top Tips from the Tutor2u Team
Jon Clark, Ruth Tarrant, Laura Swash and Anne Cooper ‘Outstanding’ TOP TIPS FROM THE TUTOR2U TEAM Before we begin…
What is ‘Outstanding’? What is ‘Outstanding’? Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning & Assessment 16-19
The ‘Outstanding’ Department Ofsted do NOT grade individual departments. There are no criteria outlined in the school inspection handbook that detail what is required for an ‘outstanding’ department. What can we learn from the school inspection handbook? Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning & Assessment 16-19 73 Pages However, an outstanding department should strive to achieve the criteria outlined for an institution and lead by example. Therefore…
What is ‘Outstanding’? Overall Effectiveness ‘16-19’ Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning and Assessment ‘16-19’
‘Outstanding’ for Overall Effectiveness The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding.
‘Outstanding’ for Leadership & Management Leaders create a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. Relationships between staff and pupils are exemplary. Leaders focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, especially for disadvantaged pupils. Leaders use incisive performance management that leads to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach. 4 Key Points Leaders create a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. You as HOD are committed to high expectations for both pupils and staff. Relationships between staff and pupils are exemplary. Leaders focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, but especially for disadvantaged pupils. Have you identified your ‘disadvantaged students? What strategies have you put in place to support them? Use Data Effectively (Point 5) Leaders use incisive performance management that leads to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. What inset/training opportunities have you organised for yourself or your team? Does someone on your team examine? Provide CPD Opportunities (Point 3) Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach. As HOD you should create a climate in which teachers are motivated and trusted to take risks and innovate in ways that are right for their pupils. Do you use meeting to discuss teaching & learning or admin? Department Meetings (Point 4)
‘Outstanding’ for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Teachers plan lessons very effectively, making maximum use of lesson time and coordinating lesson resources well. Teachers provide pupils with incisive feedback... The pupils use this feedback effectively. Teachers set challenging homework, that consolidates learning, deepens understanding and prepares pupils very well for work to come. 3 Key Points Teachers plan lessons very effectively, making maximum use of lesson time and coordinating lesson resources well. Share, share, share… Share, Share, Share (Point 2) Teachers provide pupils with incisive feedback about what pupils can do to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills. The pupils use this feedback effectively. AfL - What strategies are you using to assess? Are your students using this feedback effectively? Use Data Effectively (Point 5) Teachers set challenging homework, that consolidates learning, deepens understanding and prepares pupils very well for work to come. Can you make a distinction between prep work and homework?
16-19 Leaders pursue excellence. They improve provision and outcomes rapidly and reduce achievement gaps between groups by monitoring: Quality of teaching Learning and assessment Learners’ retention, progress and skill development Progress on level 3 qualifications in terms of value added is above average across nearly all subjects. Leaders pursue excellence. They improve provision and outcomes rapidly and reduce achievement gaps between groups by monitoring: quality of teaching learning and assessment learners’ retention, progress and skill development Use Data Effectively (Point 5) Progress on level 3 qualifications in terms of value added is above average across nearly all subjects.
What is ‘Outstanding’? Overall Effectiveness ‘16-19’ Pursuit of excellence for retention, progress and skill development. Above average value added. Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning and Assessment ‘16-19’ Outstanding teaching, learning and assessment. Plan lessons effectively, coordinate resources. Incisive feedback. Pupil respond to feedback. Challenging homework to consolidate, deepen and prepare. Culture that enables students/staff to excel. Improve outcomes for ALL pupils (especially disadvantaged). Incisive performance management & CPD. Reflective practitioners.
What is ‘Outstanding’? Any Questions? What is ‘Outstanding’? Overall Effectiveness Leadership & Management Teaching, Learning & Assessment 16-19 Any Questions?
What is ‘Outstanding’? Top Tips from the Tutor2u Team Know Your Benchmarks Use Data Effectively Share, Share, Share Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Effective Department Meetings
1. Know Your Benchmarks What is outstanding? What criteria does Ofsted give? Conduct an audit to find out where you currently are. Why not try a 360 Degree Appraisal? If you can handle it!
360 Degree Appraisal
2. Use Data Effectively Tracking/Monitoring Stretch & Challenge / Support & Intervention Effective (Personalised) Feedback Reporting Ofsted Prep
Filter Attendance Under achievement by performance Under achievement from absence High achievers Low achievers Etc
Letters Three letters templates for attendance, under achievement and over achievement.
Psychology Workshops
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback =vlookup(I2,$E$27:$F$30,2,false) Shift F4
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Effective Personalised Feedback
Mail Merge Guide We have created a step-by-step mail merge guide that will be made available following this webinar.
Example 2
Example 2
Example 2 ‘Personalised’ feedback for every single question, base on every possible score
Ofsted Prep
2. Use Data Effectively Tracking/Monitoring Stretch & Challenge / Support & Intervention Effective (Personalised) Feedback Reporting Ofsted Prep 3. Leaders focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, especially for disadvantaged pupils. 7. Teachers provide pupils with incisive feedback... The pupils use this feedback effectively. 9. Leaders pursue excellence. They improve provision and outcomes rapidly and reduce achievement gaps between groups by monitoring: Quality of teaching, Learning and assessment, Learners’ retention, progress and skill development. 10. Progress on level 3 qualifications in terms of value added is above average across nearly all subjects.
What is ‘Outstanding’? Any Questions? Top Tips from the Tutor2u Team Know Your Benchmarks Use Data Effectively Share, Share, Share Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Effective Department Meetings Any Questions?
Jon Clark, Ruth Tarrant, Laura Swash and Anne Cooper ‘Outstanding’ TOP TIPS FROM THE TUTOR2U TEAM Before we begin…
Share, Share, Share Create a shared area: School Network / VLE Google Drive Dropbox Teachers don't have to use your centralised / standardised lessons, but it should be there as a backstop. 1. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding. 6. Teachers plan lessons very effectively, making maximum use of lesson time and coordinating lesson resources well.
Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Inset Opportunities CPD Events Open-Door Policy Examiners Training “Fight with SMT to ensure that people are given that ability to become examiners and tell them that they are short-sighted if they disagree. Staff should be given the freedom and supported to attend examining meetings and training. The department and institution will reap the rewards.” Leaders use incisive performance management that leads to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach.
Effective Department Meetings Communicate with your department regularly – ensure that staff share your vision… The plan is to be an outstanding department Meetings need a clear purpose and structure Discuss teaching and learning for the week ahead Students who need support (top end and bottom) – informed by data Events/Trips Internal CPD – New Techniques or Activities tries that week. 5. Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach. Leaders have created a climate in which teachers are motivated and trusted to take risks and innovate in ways that are right for their pupils.
What is ‘Outstanding’? Any Questions? Top Tips from the Tutor2u Team Know Your Benchmarks Use Data Effectively Share, Share, Share Provide A Wealth of CPD Opportunities Effective Department Meetings Any Questions?
Strong Foundations 1) Research Methods LIVE! 2) Explore Inferential Statistics 3) Using your Year 1 stuff to NAIL issues and debates LUNCH 4) Let’s get ready for Year 2 Biopsychology 5) Raising your game in Year 2
Today’s Resources & Any Questions Today’s resources will be posted in our AQA Teacher FB Group. Search ‘AQA A Level Psychology Teachers’ OR Sign Up to our Daily Digest: and receive an email tomorrow morning directing you to the resources.
Don’t forget to sign up for our future webinars: www. tutor2u Don’t forget to sign up for our future webinars: Please follow us on Twitter @tutor2upsych and spread the word… Join our Teacher FB Community, search: ‘AQA A Level Psychology Teachers’ Encourage your students to join our Student FB Community: ‘A Level Psychology Student Group’. If you ever need any advice, support or guidance, email: Any Questions?