How to access NoodleBib? LIBS1 (Fall 2012)
Before we begin… remember: 1) You must access NoodleBib (NB) through the Chabot Library web page 2) Just like our databases, when you access NB from off campus, you’ll be asked to log in using your username (W#) and password (first 2 letters of first name, first two letters of last name, and last 4 digits of your W#)
Accessing NB from Chabot Library web page Click on: “Works Cited Guides”
Click on: “Noodlebib”
If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create your own Personal ID Already have an account with NB? Enter your Personal ID & Password
New User Registration Form--EXAMPLE
New User Registration Form Simply fill out the New User Registration form In the About You area, be sure to check the "I am a student or library patron" radio button and your expected year of graduation Next, in the Choose a Personal ID area you’ll create a Personal ID and Password that you'll use to log in to your workspace every time you use NB Be sure to complete the Easy Login Retrieval information so that NB can help you remember your password if you forget it in the future
NB Interface (after you log in) Click “Create a New Project” To begin writing your bibliography
Create a New Project For each of the next three assignments (4, 5, and 6), you will create a “New Project” in NB. When you're creating your project, make sure to select MLA as your bibliographic style NB Users Guide: Creating a New Project ml?n=CreatingANewProject.html (excellent source that shows you written step-by-step instructions on how to create projects)
Enter description for your project, i.e., “Book Citations” New Project Select MLA as your Citation Style Enter description for your project, i.e., “Book Citations”
Click “Works Cited” to begin citing your sources Dashboard View Click “Works Cited” to begin citing your sources
Select a “Citation Type” from the drop-down menu
Click “Continue” to skip this Help Book screen
You can import citation info by using ISBN
Remember to include a brief description or annotation for each source cited
Assignment #4: Book Citations A total of (6) citations are required for this assignment Each source cited should include an annotation, a 3-4 description of the book’s content Print a copy of your citations Share your project/assignment with me using NB’s Teacher’s Drop box Assignment Drop Box name for Assignment #4 is: <Assignment #4: Book Citations>
Click “Print/Export” To Print a copy of your citations
Sharing Project/Assignment w/Me Under Dashboard mode Select “Share project with…” To share project/assignment
“Assignment #4: Book Citations” Assignment Drop Box For Assignment #4 is: “Assignment #4: Book Citations”
Questions??? Practice, Practice, Practice… makes perfect!