Mammography and xeromammography. A Mammography and xeromammography. A. Mammogram of a premenopausal breast with a dense fibroglandular pattern. B. Xeromammogram of the breast shown in A. Xeromammography allows visualization from the nipple to the ribs, whereas mammography permits better visualization of the axillary tail of Spence. C. Mammogram of a postmenopausal breast with a sparse fibroglandular pattern. D. Invasive breast cancer (arrow) shown in the craniocaudal mammography view. E. Invasive breast cancer (arrow) shown in the mediolateral oblique mammography view. F. Cone-compression mammography view of the cancer seen in D and E. Note that the speculated margins of the cancer are accentuated by cone compression. (Courtesy of Dr. B. Steinbach.) Source: Chapter 17. The Breast, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 9e Citation: Brunicardi F, Andersen DK, Billiar TR, Dunn DL, Hunter JG, Matthews JB, Pollock RE. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 9e; 2010 Available at: Accessed: October 18, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved