AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES UNIT: 22 . Think about British Values at all time in the lesson. Tolerance for different faith, opinion, beliefs, and respect for every one. Recap on the Task: 8 &9Plenary of lesson Learning outcomes Use Kotter’s 8 step for change, to implement a solution to your chosen work area that required improvement. Peer evaluation Kotter’s 8 step for change in relation to your chosen work area. Plenary of lesson:
AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES UNIT: 22 KOTTER 8 STEP OF CHANGE 1:Create Urgency –sense of urgency 2: Form a powerful Coalition- Convince people to be on the team 3: Create a vision for change- Reason for change 4: communicate the vision- sell the vision 5: Remove obstacles – Any barrier that can prevent change from happened 6: Create short-term wins- motivate staff 7: Building on change 8: Anchor the changes- vision/ ethos