Managing change for a better world Lesson Aims: To know what can be done to address the economic and environmental problems created by globalisation. To explore the viability of these strategies.
Living beyond our means People in rich nations are used to having what they want. Global supply chains fulfil these needs. Often developing countries will divert resources away from their own needs to supply ours. We now depend on the rest of the world to live beyond our environmental means.
This is unsustainable!!
World waking up Globalisation is undoubtedly partly to blame. However globalisation also offers a possible solution! Improved technology and access to technology has led to a greater awareness of world issues and the emergence of a global consequence. 1985: Live Aid (drought and famine in Ethiopia) 1987: Montreal Protocol (deals with ozone depletion). 1992: Earth Summit (178 countries vote to adopt Agenda 21) 1997 – 2005: Kyoto Protocol (P.55) 2005: Gleneagles Agreement (relieve debt burden on HIPCs) 2006: Stern Report (P.49) 2007: Live Earth concerts (climate change)
Reducing the environmental and social costs of globalisation Recycling. Local buying. Organic buying. Carbon credits. Biofuels and green technology. Fair trade. Ethically sourced goods. Charity and aid. Trade reforms. Green taxes
STRATEGY COSTS BENEFITS Recycling Collection, sorting and processing takes time and uses energy. Reduces landfill. Is a cleaner option than incineration. Provides new raw materials. Composting produces humus that improves soil.