Welcome to LES Back to School Night Mrs. Czekaj’s First Grade
Meet Mrs. Czekaj Graduated from Indiana University of PA with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education Master’s Degree in Education Taught for nineteen years Sixteen years with Greater Latrobe School District Worked in the Learning Support Department at the Senior High School, Taught at Baggaley 2nd grade, Mt. View 4th grade and LES 1st grade
Meet Mrs. Czekaj Please see my website for additional information – www.glsd.us Email – michele.czekaj@glsd.us Phone – (724)539-9777 Extension-1227 Best time to reach me: 8:40-9:00 prior to school 2:30-3:00 prep period 4:00-4:10 after school
Expectations Behavior System Communication Envelope Homework Go for Green Communication Envelope Please empty and return items promptly Homework First Grade Binder Monday –Thursday assignments Missed Homework Notice Monthly Reading Record Due the last school day of each month
GLSD Website www.glsd.us LES main page Mrs. Czekaj’s page Welcome, Homework, Parent Corner, Educational Websites, Super Owl, Reading Project, Schedules Think Central student log-in Journeys Go Math! Science Fusion
Home-School Connection Remind Sign-Up Enter number 81010 OR Text @mrsczekaj Volunteer Opportunities Teacher/Classroom Helper LES Parent Tutors Parties/Field Trips Preparation at Home PTO Clearance Packet Must have all clearances required by state
Take a Look! Can you find? Don’t Forget to… Questions? Your child’s seat and locker The “Super Owl of the Week” bulletin board Don’t Forget to… Check Dismissal Procedures Sign-up for Conferences/Parties Visit the Encore teachers Visit the Book Fair in the library Visit the PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale Questions?
Thank you! Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for attending. I look forward to a rewarding and exciting year together! Your support is greatly appreciated!
For the Parents to Enjoy… T’was the night before school started when all through the town, The parents were cheering; It was a joyous sound. By eight the kids were washed, and tucked into bed when memories of homework filled them with dread. New pencils, new folders, new notebooks, too New teachers, new friends… their anxiety grew! The parents just giggled when they learned of this fright and shouted upstairs… “GO TO BED! IT’S A SCHOOL NIGHT!