Tyco’s Vital Values Our Responsibility 5/28/2018 Welcome Smile, introduce yourself and welcome everyone to the Vital Values training
Learning Outcomes Having completed this training, you will; 5/28/2018 Learning Outcomes Having completed this training, you will; Be familiar with Tyco’s Guide to Ethical Conduct and our 4 values of Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork and Accountability Understand what behavior is expected from a Tyco employee Know how and when to report a concern Understand what happens after you report a concern It’s important that learners know what’s in it for them – this slide tells them what they can expect in that regard.
Our Values Shape Our Success 5/28/2018 Integrity Excellence Teamwork Accountability Suggested Script: Tyco’s culture is built on a foundation of four key values: Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork & Accountability and everyone has a responsibility to do the right thing and live these values every day. Integrity: We demand high standards of integrity from individuals and from our company. We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Excellence: We challenge each other to improve our products, our processes, and ourselves. This includes how we serve our customers and how we treat one another at work. Teamwork: We encourage innovation and creativity and deliver results through collaboration. Accountability: We take personal responsibility for our actions and the results of our work, consulting the GEC and other ethics resources for guidance. We ask questions when we are unsure of the correct path and speak up if something just doesn’t seem right. Team Tyco Our Values Shape Our Success
Tyco’s Commitment to Ethics and Integrity “Our customers rely on us to protect and safeguard their people and property and trust us to commit to the highest standards of business practices. We are committed to creating a culture where employees live by our core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence and Accountability every day. We will never compromise on our values.” George Oliver, CEO Note: Tyco’s commitment to our Values starts at the top. Here’s what our CEO George Oliver, CEO has to say ….highlight “WE WILL NEVER COMPROMISE ON OUR VALUES”
Guide to Ethical Conduct 5/28/2018 Guide to Ethical Conduct Overview of the Guide Promoting a Positive Workplace and Respecting Others Discusses Tyco’s commitment to provide a positive, diverse and inclusive work environment in which others are treated with respect. Protecting Our Employees and the Environment : Zero Harm Describes Tyco’s vision to achieve zero harm to our employees and the environment Conflicts of Interest Explains the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest and provides guidance for managing and self-reporting conflicts. Gifts and Business Entertainment Provides guidelines for making sure that our business gifts and entertainment practices are reasonable and consistent with Tyco Policies, industry codes and local laws. Doing Business with Integrity Provides guidelines for avoiding bribery, allowing fair competition and respecting the laws of international trade. Suggested script: Follow the slide. Our Guide to Ethical Conduct is how we demonstrate our commitment to the values in practise.
Guide to Ethical Conduct - continued 5/28/2018 Guide to Ethical Conduct - continued Overview of the Guide Financial Integrity Reviews practices for ensuring honest, accurate and timely financial records and dealings, including avoiding fraud and insider trading. Protecting and Managing Property – Information and Records Details best practices for the usage of Tyco’s communication systems, protection of proprietary information and intellectual property and safeguarding the data with which we are entrusted. Communications with Media, Investors and the Public Provides guidelines for communications with the investment community as well as communicating with the public via social media. Political Activities and Charitable Contributions Provides guidelines for employees contributing money or resources to any political office, candidate or political action committee. Tell them to reach out to their Manager, HR or the Law department if they have any questions on this.
2016 GEC Commitment Statement 5/28/2018 2016 GEC Commitment Statement Suggested script: At the end of this training session you will be asked to sign this 2016 GEC Commitment Statement to confirm your commitment to comply with Tyco’s Guide to Ethical conduct. Explain to the employees how the process of filling out the form will work in your location.
If you SEE something SAY something 5/28/2018 Speak Up! Suggested Script: At Tyco, everyone has a DUTY TO REPORT anything that violates our Guide to Ethical Conduct – the GEC. As part of our compliance training, all of us have signed a commitment to comply with Tyco’s GEC and to speak up if we see or suspect unethical or unlawful behavior. It is not always easy to do that - especially if you appear to be the only one who thinks there’s something wrong with a given situation but just as it says on the slide:- if it doesn’t feel right to you then don’t do it and speak up about it. Go to next slide Don’t do something that does not feel right or that you know to be wrong just because everyone else is doing it. If you SEE something SAY something
5/28/2018 Suggested script: Outline the ConernLINE reporting process on the slide NB – make sure to tell them that this service is run by an independent company so the person they talk to on the phone is NOT from Tyco Emphasize: Tyco will not tolerate retaliation in any form against employees for making good-faith reports of ethical violations Calls to the ConcernLINE are not recorded or traced and are not handled by a Tyco employee. You can remain anonymous if you want but if you do that, make sure to give as much detail as possible about the issue / incident in your report to allow the people reviewing it to address it appropriately Regardless of rank, where a case is substantiated, employees are disciplined appropriately Employees must not conduct their own investigation. All concerns are formally reviewed by case manager / investigator
Many ways to raise a concern…. 5/28/2018 Many ways to raise a concern…. If you see an action that makes you feel uncomfortable or if a situation does not “feel” right, there are many avenues that you can use to raise a concern. They are: Supervisors Human Resources Representatives Law Department Ombudsman iCare Representatives Compliance Team Global Security Vital Tyco Concerns website www.vitaltycoconcerns.com or www.euvitaltycoconcerns.com for residents of France, Belgium, Germany, and Spain. ConcernLINE (telephone numbers found on posters at your location) Suggested Script – follow slide text When you reach “iCare representatives” explain what they are – they are regular employees who are recognised role models and have been nominated by the various businesses to act as compliance spokespeople. They are not senior managers or members of the Law or HR teams. Employees can discuss concerns with them if they are more comfortable doing that. Mention that iCare may not have reached this location yet but it is being actively rolled out globally in the coming months.
SPEAK UP! ConcernLINE Ombudsman Office E-mail: directors@tyco.com Toll-Free. Anonymous. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ConcernLINE Phone numbers : www.tyco.com/about/our-people/tyco-global-responsibility/ethical-conduct Ombudsman Office +1 6097204427 E-mail: directors@tyco.com On the Web at: www.VitalTycoConcerns.com SPEAK UP! Suggested Script: These are the various contact details should you need to raise a concern
Questions? Ask if anyone has any questions. Thank people for coming. Close session