CEA Validation tests and constraints What tests can we do to ensure compatibility of the FEA with the real system
CAE Parameter Tests for Materials Material properties & identification 3D Physical performance 3D Coefficient of thermal expansion 3D Hydroscopic swelling Creep tests Composite specific tests Make it into a student project
CAE Validation tests for Elements generic plan Do multiple simple tests throughout the manufacturing process to obtain test cases to validate the FEA. Key note: These tests should identify key properties of the “real” element, to validate the FEA these tests do not have to look like the final load case and can be simplified. Displacement based Single side fixed/ 3 point bending tests with physical measurement If easily possible fixed / 3 point bending tests utilizing strain gauges. Modal based Free hanging microphone based FFT analysis Some fixed/clamped based FFT analysis
CAE validation analysis of Rims In plane bending “Free” hanging frequencies Out of plane bending Supported frequencies
CAE validation analysis of Blades Bending of Rods Rod frequencies Bending of Facesheet + Foam core Facesheet + Foam core frequencies Bending of full Blade without holes Full blade without holes frequencies Bending of full Blade with holes Full blade with holes frequencies
CAE validation analysis of Wheels In plane bending inner support Free hanging frequencies inner support In plane bending outer support Supported frequencies outer support Out of plane bending inner support Supported frequencies inner support Out of plane bending outer support
CAE validation analysis of Spacer Pipes 3 point bending of spacer pipes Simply supported frequency of spacer pipes Frequency of stack of wheels In plane stiffness with wheels
CAE validation analysis of Innertube Symmetric loading Hanging eigenfrequencies Unsymmetric loading End supported eigenfrequencies End supported bending
CAE validation analysis of Petal Supports In plane bending inner support
CAE validation analysis of Stiffner disc In plane bending inner support
CAE validation analysis of Simplified full system In plane bending inner support
Testing the petal locking ability How to best test the petal locking ability
Testing of possible pixel insertion methods FEA simulation for estimating max load Destruction test on an inner cylinder? or trying to apply load with safety factor?
How to do tests of mechanical joints? Tests for glued petal mount on cfrp Tests on glued “blade” to rim connection Tests on glued rails to rim connection? Tests on spacer tubes Tests on service trays on outerrims Tests on wheel to innertube connection
The Road Towards better materials? What are the material tests we need to do to allow materials not listed in the yellow books to be used? Performance Longevity Radiation hardness
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