Examples of a gamma ray detector


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Presentation transcript:

Examples of a gamma ray detector The Fast Timing Array (FaTimA) ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-1- Basic examples (1/3) Mono-energetic and Isotropic source Compile NPTool for Fatima detector npl cmake ./ -DETLIST=“Fatima” make nps Run npsimulation with the detector file Fatima.detector and the event file gamma.source Npsimulation –D Fatima.detector –E gamma.source ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-1- Basic examples (2/3) Run a simulation with 100000 events and exit: /run/beamOn 100000 exit Inspect the output tree Root –l Root> New TBrowser() Select file “myResult.root” in folder Outputs/Simulation/ Click on SimulatedTree and Fatima Click on fFATIMA_labr3_E_Energy Determine Photopeak efficiency & P/T ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

Geometry from K. Hauschild (CSNSM) -1- Basic examples (3/3) With additional passive material Adding the GREAT chamber: Edit the detector file Fatima.detector Uncomment the following lines: Run again from 1-b and determine Photopeak efficiency & P/T with chamber Note: Karl’s definition of the GREAT can be found in NPSimulation/Core/Chamber.cc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GeneralChamber GREAT-Karl Heightmin= 178. Heightmax= 181. Widthmin= 228. Widthmax= 231. Depthmin= 200. Depthmax= 205. MATERIAL= Alu Geometry from K. Hauschild (CSNSM) ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-2- Extended examples (1/5) Gamma emission from a stopped reaction product Simulating a gamma decay cascade: Copy the event file 24Na.reaction into gdecay.beam Edit gdecay.beam and modify the Beam section as Remove the TwoBodyReaction section and keep the gammadecay section Beam Particle= 25Na ExcitationEnergy= 2.2 Energy= 0 SigmaEnergy= 0 SigmaThetaX= 0.0 SigmaPhiY= 0.0 SigmaX= 0.5 SigmaY= 0.5 MeanThetaX= 0 MeanPhiY= 0 MeanX= 0 MeanY= 0  Stopped Beam ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-2- Extended examples (2/5) So gdecay.beam should look like that: Beam Particle= 25Na ExcitationEnergy= 2.2 Energy= 0 SigmaEnergy= 0 SigmaThetaX= 0.0 SigmaPhiY= 0.0 SigmaX= 0.5 SigmaY= 0.5 MeanThetaX= 0 MeanPhiY= 0 MeanX= 0 MeanY= 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GammaDecay 25Na Cascade BranchingRatio= 70 Energies= 2.2 DifferentialCrossSection= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt Gamma25Na BranchingRatio= 30 Energies= 1.0 1.2 ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-2- Extended examples (3/5) Run npsimulation with Fatima detector and the gdecay.beam event generator Set the tracking verbose to 1 with the command: /tracking/verbose 1 (This will display tracking information of primary and secondary particles for each event) Do “/run/beamOn 1” several times. You should see some events with 1 emitted gamma ray (at 2.2 MeV) and others with 2 emitted gamma rays ( at 1 and 1.2 MeV) Run for 100000 events and check energy spectrum as in 1-d. Note: This could take few minutes in interactive mode so best is to run in batch mode: Create a file run.mac conatining the command “/run/beamOn 100000” Run: npsimluation –D Fatima.detector –E gdecay.beam -B run.mac ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-2- Extended examples (4/5) Gamma emission from a moving reaction product Changing the beam energy Edit gdecay.beam and set the beam energy to 10MeV/u Repeat 2-e instructions Feel free to change the beam energy, the energy spread, and the emittance ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

-2- Extended examples (5/5) Starting the simulated data analysis Perform Doppler correction Go to nptool/Projects/Fatima/ directory (to be distributed) Or nptool/Examples/Example3 and run: cmake ./ make Run the analysis: npanalysis This create root files in the directory nptool/Output/Analysis. The full Doppler corrected spectrum is save in the histolist.root file. ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

Simulating a multi-detector system ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk

(Note: this may take some time) Detector Input file Add token associated to the different detectors in the same Input file Check overlaps with G4 command: /geometry/test/run (Note: this may take some time) … Have a try with the detector of your choices … ICC Simulation Workshop on NPTOOL (28th Nov - 1st Dec 2016 – GANIL ) marc.labiche@stfc.ac.uk