1-lepton + Multijets Analysis bRPV interpretation 2011 proton-proton collision data ATLAS open presentation last Friday. Will soon be public Conf note: ATLAS-COM-CONF-2012-150 Supp note: ATL-COM-PHYS-2012-839 ≥ 1-lepton + (3-5) jets: ATLAS-CONF-2012-105 Paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.4688 Vasiliki Mitsou Emma Torró Pastor Elena Romero Adam (IFIC) September 10, 2012
Analysis Overview Signal Region: (h1lh7jt) Exactly one isolated electron or muon + ≥ 7 jets + missing transverse energy Observed number of events in the electron and muon signal regions, and the background expectations from the fit. The inputs to the fit are also shown * electron (muon) * Muon: p0 = 0.0186 sigma = 2.083 Electron: p0 = 0.132 sigma = 1.12 Combined: p0 = 0.0189 sigma = 2.077
Exclusion Plots This year analysis Extended grid 1-lepton + ≥ 7 jets Last year analysis 1 muon + 3 or 4 jets extended grid: luminosity, muon + electron, new SR multijets, enhanced fit (shape fit)
Exclusion Plots David Côte’s talk at SUSY Working Group Approval Meeting on the 27th of July 2012
SUSY Model
Supersymmetry SUSY = global symmetry between fermions & bosons all SM particles have SUSY-partners with spin difference of ±1/2 Theoretical motivation Higgs mass stabilisation against loop corrections (fine-tuning problem) unification of gauge couplings at single scale dark matter candidate: Lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP)
R-Parity bilinear terms
SUSY Model mSUGRA + bRPV Choice of mSUGRA parameters: tan β = 10 A0 = 0 GeV sign( μ ) = 1 m0 = 100 – 800 GeV m1/2 = 200 – 600 GeV bRPV: parameters chosen to be consistent with constraints from neutrino experiments Δmatm2, Δmsol2, tan2θatm, tan2θsol, …
Bilinear RPV: theoretical motivation RPV through bilinear terms six bRPV parameters: ϵi, Bi ⇔ ϵi, Λi (Λi = ϵivd + μvi) Bilinear RPV introduces new aspects EW symmetry is broken by Higgs and sneutrino vev’s neutrinos mix with neutralinos ➞ 7 × 7 mixing matrix a “low-scale” seesaw mechanism renders neutrinos massive tree level → atmospheric scale 1-loop → solar scale Valle, Hirsch, Porod, Diaz et al. Bilinear R-parity violating terms in the superpotential introduce neutrino masses in an intrinsically supersymmetric way HEP2012 V.A. Mitsou