GEM, applications for SR experiments and tracking in HEP


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Presentation transcript:

GEM, applications for SR experiments and tracking in HEP Lev Shekhtman Budker INP

DIMEX – Detector for Imaging of EXplosions OD4 – One-dimensional detector for WAXS (wide angle X-ray scattering) SRRE – tagging system for KEDR experiment at VEPP-4M


The detector requirements Time resolution ~100 ns Spatial resolution ~0.1 mm Detection efficiency >50% for 20 keV photons Photon rate capability 1010 – 1012 s-1mm-2

Detector design White SR beam from 2T wiggler at 2GeV, Eav~20keV Drift electrode White SR beam from 2T wiggler at 2GeV, Eav~20keV GEM Strips Length = 30 mm Pitch = 0.1 mm Xe-CO2(80-20) 7atm

DIMEX DIMEX1 Station “Explosion” at VEPP-3 SR bunker

Detector for imaging of explosions (DIMEX) is developed with the following parameters: Time resolution ~40ns (charge collection time constant), frames separation 500ns, frame duration ~250ns, number of frames 32; Spatial resolution ~0.19mm (FWHM), number of channels 256, channels pitch 0.1mm; Dynamic range ~100, limiting rate (incident) is ~10000 ph/chan/bunch~ ~1012ph/mm sq./s, DQE (measurement) ~25% (for white SR beam with 0.1mm Al filtration)

Density distribution in the detonation wave 4 frames with the images of running detonation wave

Diffraction studies at SR beam

OD-4 2048 channels 0.2mm pitch 67o aperture 350mm focus distance Eg = 5-10keV


OD-4 Single channel efficiency 8 keV, Ar-CO2(75-25) Channel response mm Single channel efficiency 8 keV, Ar-CO2(75-25) Channel response

Tagging system for KEDR e- , p1 e+ , p2 p'1 p'2 Рис.1 Двухфотонное взаимодействие e+ e- Electrons that lost their energy in two-photon interaction are bent out from the orbit and pass through coordinate stations (TS1-TS4) Two-photon interaction

GEM detector for the tagging system

GEM detector for the tagging system

GEM detector for the tagging system final detector(2006) prototype (2001) Signal correlation

Position-sensitive and tracking detectors with GEM. DIMEX – GEM is used for shielding of ions and attenuation of the signal. Operating for 4 years. OD4 – triple-GEM with arc shape. Full-size detector with partly equipped readout structure Tagging system – 8 triple-GEM detectors with special small angle stereo readout. All detectors are installed on the collider, one shoulder is fully equipped and operating