STAGES IN THE PROCESS Analysis Planning Writing Editing Make sure you understand the question Planning Construct your argument. Organise your points Supply evidence for the points Writing Use your plan to write the essay Editing Check your language and style
Analysis of the topic: 1. Highlight the key words 2. Define terms 3. Answer the following question: “ What is this essay asking me to do?”
Planning Brainstorm, tabulate, or list all the important points on the topic. Write out your argument in a sentence or two. Now consider your introduction and conclusion
Outline of essay Introduction Body Conclusion Introduce the topic. Frame an argument Introduction Body Conclusion Elaborate on the argument Remember to paragraph The argument must build up logically Reinforce what you have proved. DO NOT INTRODUCE ANYTHING NEW INTO THE CONCLUSION Do not end on a question.
Paragraph practice P.E.E.R IF YOU FOLLOW THIS FORMAT YOU WILL SUCCEED IN WRITING A GOOD ESSAY! P = POINT Key sentence E = Explanation E = Evidence /Examples R = Refer to argument.
Writing the essay Follow your plan. Make sure you follow the correct paragraph construction. DO NOT TELL THE STORY! The content you relate must be used as evidence. Style must be: Formal No slang, abbreviations, colloquialisms Write in the present tense Link your paragraphs Remember the title of the novel – “ Life of Pi”, or Life of Pi or italics. Life of Pi Note: Plays – audience Novels – reader Not in first person Spell characters’ names correctly!
Edit your essay Read through the essay and check your language and spelling. Make sure your paragraphs are linked. Check your word limit.
Belief is a major theme in Life of Pi Belief is a major theme in Life of Pi. How are belief in God and belief in a story paralleled in Life of Pi?
Outline of essay Introduction Body Conclusion Agree: Belief is a major theme. Essay examines what is meant by belief / how belief in God is portrayed/ How that is paralleled in Belief in a story The two are so closely interwoven it is difficult to separate them. Introduction Body Conclusion Definitions: Belief – faith/confidence/ trust/ certainty/ acceptance /God – the God of Pi/ supernatural, universal being/ Story – different levels. Mainly the story of Pi’s journey. How are they paralleled? Faith that what is presented is true: Pi’s belief that God was his protection/ examples Faith in the story: examples Fullness of description belief: The description of Pi’s beliefs/ foreshadowing Authenticity in the story / Author/ interviews/ reports Suspending of doubt: Conviction shown by Pi throughout/ Which story do you believe? Story – drawn into the fullness of descriptions/ Pi’s personal journey Belief penetrates the entire novel. This essay has examined how that belief has been portrayed. We are captured by Pi’s belief in his own story and his story is the story of God’s rescue, protection and love.